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Can Ehler's Danlos Syndrome be Caused by Zinc Deficiency?

Have you ever heard of Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome (EDS)? If not, you are not alone. This rare genetic problem affects the body's connective tissues. It can cause many different symptoms, including hypermobile Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome symptoms. These range from very stretchy skin to joints that bend more than normal. EDS can make everyday life difficult for those who have it. Physical therapy can help improve strength and function for those affected. The surprising part is that many people with EDS don’t even realize they have it! This is why it is important to spread the word about this condition. In this blog post, we will explore what EDS is, its types, and some interesting facts about zinc and how it might help. 

Can Low Sulfur Affect Your Joints?

Did you know stiff joints might tell you something about your sulfur levels? It's true! Sulfur is super essential for keeping our joints happy and healthy. It helps make collagen, which is like the cushion for our joints. It also helps fight inflammation and keeps our cartilage strong. But here's the thing - some people need more sulfur in their diets or need help absorbing it. This can lead to all sorts of joint problems. 

Can Lead Toxicity Cause Osteoarthritis?

Ever heard of osteoarthritis? It's the most common type of arthritis out there, and it's no fun at all. Imagine your joints getting all achy and stiff, making it hard to move around like you used to. That happens when the cushiony stuff between your bones (called cartilage) starts fading. Millions of people deal with this daily, which can affect your quality of life. But here's the thing - there's more to osteoarthritis than just getting older. In this blog, we will dive into what causes it, some surprising factors you might not know about, and what you can do if you're dealing with it. 

How Is Cobalt Necessary For Digestion?

Dealing with bloating or other digestive discomforts is unpleasant for anyone. However, few are aware that cobalt, a lesser-known trace mineral, could play a crucial role in alleviating gut health problems.

Can Magnesium Deficiency Affect Hydration?

Have you ever experienced dehydration so acutely that your skin feels parched, your mouth resembles a barren landscape, and your hands and legs begin to resemble a flaky autumn leaf? It's as though every step you take echoes the arid paths of the Sahara Desert.

Is Your Calcium Metabolism Causing Joint Pain?

Pain, an unwelcome experience at any stage of life, often leads us down the path of quick fixes, invariably ending with the temporary relief offered by pain medication. Yet, when it comes to joint pain – a condition notorious for its gradual onset and aggravating persistence – the go-to solution of merely 'popping a pill' falls alarmingly short of providing lasting relief. One commonly used medication for joint pain is acetaminophen, also known as Tylenol®.

How Silica Can Help With Collagen Production

The aging process presents a range of changes that can be unnerving for many of us. It comes with challenges that can reflect the passing of time; these signs often include hair thinning or loss, the appearance of wrinkles, thinner nails, and cellulite formation.

The Power of Silica for Detox: Uncovering the Benefits

As the concern surrounding the presence of heavy metal toxicity within the human body continues to rise, it is essential to recognize that the methodology employed for detoxification must be approached appropriately. It's more complex than indiscriminately recommending any possible solutions to bind to these metals and facilitate their removal.

Thirsty All The Time? You Might Need Trace Minerals!

Water is essential for our bodies, and it’s important to stay hydrated throughout the day. However, when you find yourself drinking gallons of water or other liquids and still feeling thirsty, it may be time to consider if there’s a larger issue at play. It’s not uncommon for individuals to feel like they can’t quite quench their thirst, and this can be a sign of an underlying health condition.

Got Joint Issues? Read This!

No one like to walk around, let alone sit, with achy joints and be in constant pain. It's a daunting sensation to wak...
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