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Can Lupus Be Caused By Mercury Toxicity?

Lupus can cause many problems, from skin rashes to joint pain and various lupus symptoms, including new and different symptoms that may arise. One serious complication of lupus is lupus nephritis, which can even affect your organs. The most common type of lupus does not appear the same for everyone. Some feel tired all the time. Others feel pain and have swollen joints.

Are You Struggling To Get Enough Potassium?Struggling to Get Enough Potassium

Did you know that most people aren't getting enough potassium in their diets? It's true! Adults need about 4700mg of potassium daily as part of a healthy eating routine and balanced diet, but most Americans only get around 2000mg. This isn't just about eating the right foods - stress can also make your body crave much amounts of potassium. The movements of potassium are super important for your bone health and overall health as it is essential for your body’s functions, especially in preventing low levels of potassium.

Can Fish Be A Source Of Mercury Toxicity?

Ever wonder if that tasty fish on your plate might be hiding a secret? Well, it turns out that some fish can pack more than just omega-3s - they might also be carrying mercury. In this blog, we're going to dive into the world of fish and mercury. We'll explore why some fish have more mercury than others, how it can affect your health, and what you can do to enjoy seafood safely. 

Can Potassium Reduce Arterial Stiffness?

Arterial stiffness is a major risk factor for heart disease and other health problems that can sneak up on you as you age. Think of your arteries like rubber bands that lose their bounce over time. This isn't just an issue for older folks - it can start earlier than you might expect. But don't worry, there are ways to fight back and keep your arteries healthy through lifestyle changes and a healthy diet. Eating foods rich in potassium, like bananas and orange juice, can be a secret weapon in maintaining flexible arteries. A healthy eating plan with plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables, along with regular exercise (like a week of moderate aerobic exercise), can help lower your risk of heart disease. By making smart choices and keeping an eye on your body mass index, you can work towards lowering high blood cholesterol and keeping your arteries in good shape.
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