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sodium:potassium ratio

What does a four highs pattern mean on an HTMA test

Many individuals undergo hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) primarily to identify potential deficiencies or heavy metal toxicities. However, HTMA can reveal even more significant patterns that provide valuable insights into one's physical and emotional health. We have previously discussed certain patterns like the Bowl Pattern, Step Up Pattern, and L Pattern. In this article, we'd like to focus on the Four Highs Pattern, which sheds light on what's happening within your body on both physical and emotional levels.

Detecting low adrenal activity on an HTMA

The term "adrenal fatigue" has been thrown around a lot in recent years as more people feel the effects of chronic stress. While some may argue that the diagnosis itself doesn't technically exist, it's important to note that prolonged stress can certainly impact the efficiency of our adrenal glands. 

Could Your Prostate Issue Be A Mineral Imbalance?

Did you know that by the age of 60, 50% of men will have an enlarged prostate, and by 85 that percentage will sky roc...
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