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liver disease

Can Lithium Help Children With Bipolar Disorder?

Lithium often conjures images of heavy-duty batteries or prescription medications, certainly not as a health supplement one might readily give to the pediatric population. But beneath this utilitarian facade lies a surprisingly gentle giant in health and wellness—perfectly safe in reasonable doses and incredibly beneficial for cognitive and physiological functions, especially when early intervention is considered. Proving its value beyond psychiatric care, lithium is pivotal for neurological health, mood stabilization, and even detoxification.

What Minerals Support Liver Health?

The liver is a sentinel of our body's internal balance, orchestrating a symphony of vital functions for our overall well-being. The liver's significance cannot be overstated, from metabolism to detoxification, nutrient storage to immune defense. Yet, amidst its multifaceted roles, the liver relies on a cadre of essential minerals and specific herbs like milk thistle to maintain its intricate dance of physiological processes.

How Vitamin E Can Help Antagonize Iron Overload

One frequently heard of in the world of medical conditions is 'anemia', characterized by a deficiency of red blood cells (RBCs) or hemoglobin in the bloodstream. This ultimately leads to a diminished capacity of the blood to transport oxygen to various body tissues. However, there also exists a lesser-known but equally significant condition known as 'iron overload', which is quite the opposite of anemia in many ways.

Can Chromium Help With Cholesterol? It Can!

When chromium is mentioned, it is often associated primarily with blood sugar management. However, have you ever wondered how this trace mineral might aid in reducing cholesterol levels? The thinking of many tends to isolate chromium (and by extension, blood sugar control) and cholesterol as if they were independent factors within the complex system of our bodies. 

Is Lithium Liver Protective?

How frequently does one hear about lithium as a liver protector? When we think about liver supplements, we usually think of NAC, glutathione, zinc, selenium, and herbs like chlorophyll, turmeric, milk thistle, artichoke, and dandelion... but lithium? Believe it or not, this mineral, which is widely utilised for those suffering from mental health conditions such as depression, bipolar disorder, or even schizophrenia, has benefits for initiating natural liver cleansing. 

Spring Means Liver Detox!

Have you ever heard of the term "Spring is liver detox season"? This is because according to Traditional Chinese Medi...
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