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What's Included In The Hair Test Kit?

- Step by Step Instructions

- Hair Collection Envelope

- Quick Questionnaire

- Prepaid Shipping Label

- 100% Recycled Shipper

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Take Away The Guesswork

At-Home Hair Test Kit. Say goodbye to painful blood draws. Our test results provide exactly what your body needs to optimize your health.

What To Expect From Test Results?

- Fast. Accurate. Actionable.

- Key Mineral Status

- Heavy Metal Toxicity Levels

- Current State of Metabolism

- Consultation from Certified Professionals

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Solving All Your Health Problems: How Nutrition Becomes Habit and Personality and What To Do About It

The Missing Foundational Piece to Your Health

Blog posts

What Nutrients Do We Need For Spleen Health?

The spleen is an organ located in the upper left part of the abdomen, just below the rib cage and behind the stomach. It plays a crucial role in the immune system and blood filtration. As part of the immune system, the spleen helps the body fight infections by producing and storing white blood cells, particularly lymphocytes, and acting as a site where the immune system detects and responds to pathogens in the blood.

What Nutrients Do You Need For Gallbladder Health?

Let's talk about something you might not think about much - your gallbladder. This small organ is very important for your body, but many people do not know why. What you eat can help keep your gallbladder healthy. 

Can Iodine Help Liver Detoxification?

Did you know your liver works like a superhero for your body? It's always busy removing toxins and waste products, keeping you healthy. But it needs help too, especially with important bodily functions like managing hormone levels and chemical reactions in your body's cells. This is where nutrients like iodine come in. You might remember iodine from science class! It's super important for your liver and helps keep your hormones balanced, including sex hormones like testosterone and progesterone. Iodine also helps your thyroid and pituitary gland work properly, which can affect things like weight loss, blood pressure, and even puberty. The problem is, many of us don't get enough iodine in our diets.
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