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zinc deficiency

Top 4 nutrient deficiencies causing you to be vitamin D deficient

You might be frustrated if you diligently follow all the rules for getting enough vitamin D, but your blood labs keep coming back with low levels. You make a genuine effort to get outside in the sun every day, eat vitamin D rich foods, and supplement when your levels get too low, so why aren't you seeing any changes? Don't worry; it's not your fault.

Can cellulite be a zinc deficiency?

In our ongoing exploration of health and wellness, we've looked at many factors that can impact our bodies in unexpected ways. Today, we're focusing on a concern that affects many of us, regardless of age or fitness level: cellulite. From dimpled thighs to bumpy buttocks, cellulite is a common yet frustrating condition that can damage our self-esteem.

Why Women Are More Susceptible To Iron Overload

Have you heard of the myth that suggests women are less prone to iron overload because they suffer from anemia more frequently than men? Well, I'm sorry to say, but the oh-so popular tale is actually a fallacy

Veganism and Copper Toxicity

It's common knowledge that copper is an essential mineral for our health - but did you know that too much of it can actually be detrimental? Copper toxicity is a real concern, and it's important to make sure that we're not getting an excess of this important element. 

The Top Essential Minerals For Your Strong Teeth And Healthy Gums

We’ve all been there – neglecting our oral health until something goes wrong. Whether it’s a cavity, a chipped tooth, or just a general feeling of discomfort, dental troubles can be a real pain.

Hate Meat? It Might Be A Deficiency in Zinc!

If you've ever experienced bloating after eating meat, you're not alone. The discomfort can be frustrating, but understanding what's causing it can help us make better choices.

How To Know If You Have Deficiency in Zinc

It's hard to believe that such a fundamental nutrient like zinc is lacking in almost 20% of the world's population. Over 1.5 billion people are affected by deficiency in zinc, which can cause a range of issues from skin diseases to impaired disease control.

The PCOS and Diabetes Connection

Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS) is a complex hormonal condition that affects millions of women worldwide. With a range of symptoms, including irregular periods, hair loss, and blood sugar imbalances, it's no wonder that many are left wondering if there is a connection between PCOS and diabetes.

Checking Hormonal Imbalances Via Hair Testing

Did you know that you can peek into what your steroid hormones are doing by simply looking to the Zn:Cu ratio on a Ha...
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