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Deficiency in Zinc

How To Know If You Have Deficiency in Zinc

How To Know If You Have Deficiency in Zinc


It's hard to believe that such a fundamental nutrient like zinc is lacking in almost 20% of the world's population. Over 1.5 billion people are affected by deficiency in zinc, which can cause a range of issues from skin diseases to impaired disease control. From troubles with blood supply to genetic needs, there are many root causes of this issue. But there's good news too-- addressing this problem can improve blood flow, help combat skin diseases, and promote overall health.


It's quite common to experience zinc deficiency for a variety of reasons. Let's take a look so that we can plan a path forward.


  • Our modern hybrid crops ove reproduce food meaning that the product being produced is less nutrient dense
  • Food refining and processing removes zinc
  • The popularity of vegetarian and vegan diets are lower in zinc
  • Stress depletes zinc
  • The accumulation of heavy metals, such as mercury, aluminum, in this world are hindering our ability to absorb or utilize zinc

Functions of Zinc in the Body

Can you believe that something as small as a mineral can have such a powerful impact on our bodies? It's incredible! One mineral that definitely deserves more recognition is zinc. Did you know that zinc is crucial for maintaining a strong immune system, as well as keeping our mucous membranes healthy? Without it, we're more likely to suffer from serious infection. Additionally, zinc plays a role in managing uncontrolled diabetes and reducing the risk of heart disease. It's clear that zinc is a mineral that we really shouldn't take for granted. So, let's make sure we're eating plenty of foods that are rich in zinc to keep our bodies functioning at their best!


Below are several major reasons highlighting the importance of zinc in maintaining our health:


  • Blood clotting
  • Cell division
  • Reducing oxidative stress
  • Acts as an anti viral
  • Can help with wound healing
  • Supports skin and mucosal membranes
  • Helps produce TRH in the brain to signal to the thyroid to make hormones
  • Important for sex hormone production-particularly testosterone and progesterone
  • Needed for 3 of our major senses (smell, taste and sight)
  • Can increase muscle mass
  • Needed to make stomach acidity
  • Helps maintain strong hair and nails


Identifying Zinc Deficiency

Our bodies need zinc for optimal health, but it's challenging to know if we're getting enough. Luckily, a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) can determine if we're deficient. Rely on HTMA for precise results, instead of physical examination or over the counter medications. The body doesn’t store zinc, thus must be ingested regularly. In reference to blood work, it is useless to test serum for zinc does not accumulate there and blood simply acts as a high way for nutrients. 


If you notice skin problems like raised bumps or even hair loss, it's possible that your body could be lacking in zinc. This essential nutrient is vital for immune system function, wound healing, and DNA synthesis. But if left untreated, a zinc deficiency could lead to more serious health concerns. Of course, these symptoms could also be indicative of other health conditions or nutritional deficiencies, so it's important to seek medical attention from your healthcare provider if you're concerned. 

Signs and Symptoms of Zinc Deficiency


Skin issues

It's not uncommon to experience skin issues, but it can be frustrating when nothing seems to work to improve the condition. Did you know that these could be signs of a zinc deficiency? Things like, stretch marks, white spots on the nails, and varicose veins can all point to a lack of zinc in the body. Even more common skin conditions like acne, dermatitis, eczema, psoriasis, and vitiligo can also be related to zinc deficiency.

Yeast overgrowths

When we experience discomfort or itching in delicate areas, it can be tempting to ignore it or self-diagnose with an over-the-counter cream. However, what we may not realize is that a fungal overgrowth, whether it's on the skin, gut, or genitals, is often a sign of an internal imbalance. Research shows that a lack of zinc in the body can lead to an overproduction of copper, which in turn leads to the growth of yeast. This may sound daunting, but the good news is that addressing this imbalance can help bring your body back into harmony. By understanding the importance of zinc and its role in regulating copper, you can work towards a healthier, more balanced you.

Menstrual and reproductive problems in women

For many women, experiencing irregular periods or painful cramps can be a real struggle. If you also find yourself dealing with heavy periods, clots, or PMS symptoms, you may be feeling pretty frustrated and at a loss for what could be causing these issues. It may come as a surprise, but one possible explanation for these symptoms could be a zinc deficiency. You see, the hormone estrogen is linked to copper, while progesterone is connected to zinc. So, if you're not getting enough zinc, it can be harder for your body to balance out the effects of estrogen – leading to those pesky symptoms that many of us know all too well. By focusing on ways to boost your zinc intake, you may be able to help offset the impact of copper and, in turn, experience fewer unpleasant symptoms.

Birth defects and stunted development

As a parent or caregiver, we all want the best for the children under our care. That includes ensuring that they have access to proper nutrition and a well-rounded diet. One important nutrient that should be on your radar is zinc. This mineral plays a crucial role in growth and development from fetal stage to childhood. However, it’s not just about getting enough zinc in a child’s diet. It’s about understanding the potential consequences of zinc deficiency. The effects can range from developmental delays, learning disorders, delayed testicular development, growth problems and more. 

Male reproductive problems

It's a common misconception that only women need to worry about their zinc levels. The truth is, men can be just as affected by a zinc deficiency, especially when it comes to their testosterone levels. The prostate gland, which plays a crucial role in men's reproductive health, relies heavily on zinc for proper functioning. Without adequate levels of this vital mineral, men may experience unwanted aromatization, when testosterone is converted into estrogen.

Vision problems

Imagine slowly losing your vision over time and not realizing that there might have been a simple solution. Zinc is an essential mineral that plays a crucial role in maintaining good eyesight and vision. Without it, our bodies can suffer from a host of infections that can lead to more serious issues such as macular degeneration, retinitis pigmentosa, night blindness, iritis, and staph infections.

Cognitive function issues

Mental illness can bring a lot of turmoil and unease to those affected, and it's no secret that anxiety and other nervous system-related disorders can make life challenging. It may come as a surprise that one of the solutions to these problems is a mineral - zinc. This mineral helps to calm the nervous system, just like magnesium. In addition to anxiety and hyperreactivity, it can lead to ADD, ADHD, bipolar disorder, epilepsy, seizures, and schizophrenia. 

Immune system problem

Nobody likes being sick, and if you find that you're often under the weather, it can be frustrating and exhausting. Zinc has been shown to prevent the rhinovirus acting as an antiviral - the pesky culprit behind the common cold - from replicating in the body, giving your immune system a better chance at fighting it off. Plus, zinc is an essential component in building T-lymphocytes, a type of white blood cell that helps your body fight infections. 

Digestive system issues

Dealing with digestive issues is never easy, but it can be even more frustrating when you don't know the root cause of the problem. If you're dealing with bloating, constipation, or difficulty breaking down proteins, you might be experiencing a zinc deficiency. Zinc is essential for producing hydrochloric acid in the stomach and supporting enzyme production in the pancreas. Without it, digestion can become seriously compromised. 


Poor wound healing

Dealing with wounds can be a frustrating and painful experience - and it can be even more difficult if your body doesn't seem to be responding as quickly as you'd like. If this sounds like you, it's worth exploring whether a zinc deficiency might be to blame. Zinc has been shown to be incredibly important for wound healing, as it plays a key role in the growth and development of new tissue.

Cardiovascular problems

It's surprising how many vital nutrients our bodies need to function properly, and zinc is certainly one of them. When it comes to our cardiovascular health, studies have shown that a lack of zinc can lead to a host of serious problems, including high blood pressure, aneurysms, strokes, heart attacks and more. That's because zinc plays a crucial role in keeping our arteries and veins flexible and malleable, which allows blood to flow freely throughout our bodies. Without enough zinc, these important blood vessels can harden and become less efficient, putting us at risk for all kinds of heart-related issues. 

In conclusion, understanding the importance of zinc and its role in our overall health is crucial. With nearly 20% of the world's population experiencing zinc deficiency, it's vital to be aware of the symptoms and signs, as well as the best methods for testing zinc levels. As we've discussed, an HTMA is the most accurate test to determine your zinc status, while blood work has its limitations. By being proactive and checking your zinc levels, you can address any deficiencies and support your body in maintaining optimal health.

Don't wait until the symptoms become severe; take charge of your well-being and order an HTMA test today. Remember, prevention is always better than cure, and ensuring you have adequate zinc levels can significantly impact your overall health and quality of life. If you’re interested in checking your zinc status, order your HTMA with us here!


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