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Should You Supplement Vitamin D Or Not?

For those newly exploring the world of health and wellness, you might find it surprising to encounter a prevailing rumor - supplementing with Vitamin D is considered dangerous and should be avoided. The word to focus here, however, is "never". It's essential to approach this blanket statement with caution.

Signs of protein malabsorption

Hey there, have you ever stopped to think about how your body is processing the proteins you eat? It's not something we often consider, but it's crucial for our overall health. For some people, poor protein digestion can lead to some significant symptoms and issues. From bloating and gas to fatigue and loss of skin elasticity, struggling with protein digestion can affect far more than just our stomachs

What Happens When You Don't Prioritize Your Mental Health Hygiene

I know we've all heard the spiel about taking care of our mental health a million times before, but let me tell you something: it's damn important. I get it - we're all busy people with a million and one things on our plate. But ignoring our own needs in favor of getting ahead at work or pushing our feelings to the side isn't doing us any favors.

Breaking the stigma: why mental health hygiene deserves your attention

Mental health hygiene is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, yet it often gets pushed aside. There is an unfortunate stigma surrounding mental health practices that portrays them as less important than other aspects of our health.

Why a Consistent Mental Health Routine Matters More Than You Think

Maintaining a healthy mental state is something that not many people prioritize. We often think of physical health first when it comes to being healthy and happy, but mental health is just as important.

8 Reasons Why You Can't Sleep

We all know the frustration that comes with not being able to sleep- even if it's just for one night. That tossing an...

The Ca:Mg Ratio: Is Your Lifestyle In Alignment?

You know what's so interesting about Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)? It's that despite it being a test to verify...

The Slow Oxidizer On An HTMA

Have you ever wondered what that section at the top of your HTMA results means when it says Metabolic Type: Slow 1, 2...
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