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Top 3 Minerals to Consider If You Have Anxiety

Top 3 Minerals to Consider If You Have Anxiety

Top 3 Minerals to Consider If You Have Anxiety


Are you feeling overwhelmed by all the remedies for anxiety? You're not alone! There's a ton of stuff out there claiming to help, and it's hard to know where to start. But don't worry, we've got your back. Today, we're diving into the basics: three key minerals that might help with anxiety symptoms. We'll look at how calcium, magnesium, and zinc work in your body and why they could be good for you. These minerals play a role in energy production and can affect your anxiety levels. For example, magnesium supplementation, especially in forms like magnesium glycinate, might help with feelings of anxiety and sleep quality. Zinc is important for your immune system and mood regulation. Some people also find chamomile supplements helpful, usually taking around 500 mg of chamomile. Remember, everyone's different - what works for young adults might not be the same for pregnant women. If you're curious about what your body needs, you could take an HTMA test with us. 


Calcium is very important for your health, especially for your brain, and it can help with anxiety. Here’s how calcium can be useful:

Neurotransmitter Function

Consider these 3 minerals: Calcium is pretty important for your brain! It helps release these tiny messengers called neurotransmitters that zip around in your head, potentially reducing anxiety. When these messengers are working right, they keep your emotions on an even keel. But if you're not getting enough calcium, things can go haywire, and you might end up feeling anxious or moody. This is just one piece of the puzzle when it comes to understanding symptoms of anxiety and mood disorders. In the United States, lots of people deal with these issues, including social anxiety disorder and major depressive disorder. Scientists are always studying this stuff through randomized controlled trials and review studies to get more scientific evidence. They're looking at how different nutrients, like vitamin K, iron supplementation, and various forms of magnesium, might help. Some people even try multivitamin supplements or focus on eating more plant foods to boost their intake of 3 minerals to consider for anxiety management.

Muscle Relaxation

Calcium helps your muscles relax the right way. If you do not have enough calcium, your muscles can feel tight and cramp. This can make the feelings of worry feel even worse.

Regulating Hormones

Calcium helps release hormones, especially those related to stress. Having enough calcium can help keep stress hormones, like cortisol, under control.

Supporting Sleep

Calcium helps your brain use tryptophan to create melatonin, a hormone that supports sleep. A good night's sleep is crucial because bad sleep can make feelings of worry or stress worse.

Reducing Irritability

Not getting enough calcium can make you feel upset and restless. This can also make you feel more anxious.

Try our Upgraded Calcium!


Magnesium is very important for your brain. It helps your body handle stress, which makes it good for managing feelin’ anxious. Here’s how magnesium can help:

Regulating the Stress Response

Magnesium helps manage the HPA axis. This is the system that deals with stress in your body. If magnesium levels are low, your body may release more stress hormones, like cortisol. This can lead to more stress and feel overwhelming.

Calming Neurotransmitters

Magnesium helps increase the work of GABA. GABA is a chemical in the brain that helps you feel relaxed. When you have enough magnesium, GABA works well. This can make you feel more calm and less worried.

Reducing Nervous System Overactivity

Magnesium works like a natural "chill pill" for your nervous system. It helps keep your nervous system calm. This is important, especially when you feel stressed.

Supporting Sleep

Magnesium helps you sleep better. It does this by managing melatonin production and soothing your nervous system. A good night's sleep can help lower feelings of worry.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Chronic inflammation can connect to mental health issues, like anxiety. Magnesium can lower inflammation. This helps the brain feel better and supports good emotional health.

Consider using our Upgraded Magnesium!


Zinc is an important mineral for brain health and how you feel. It may also help reduce anxiety. Here are some reasons why zinc matters:

Regulation of Neurotransmitters

Zinc is important for GABA. GABA is a chemical that helps settle your nerves. Zinc also helps make serotonin and dopamine. These are key for keeping your mood steady. If you do not have enough of these chemicals, you may feel worried or sad.

Anti-Inflammatory Properties

Brain swelling is linked to anxiety and mood problems. Zinc helps lower this swelling, promoting a healthier brain space.

Modulation of the Stress Response

Zinc helps manage the HPA axis, which is your body's system for handling stress. If you do not have enough zinc, stress can grow, and cortisol levels can go up, making feelings of worry worse.

Antioxidant Support

Zinc is vital for making enzymes, such as superoxide dismutase (SOD). These enzymes help shield your brain from oxidative stress. This type of stress is connected to anxiety and other mental health problems.

Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF)

Zinc helps make BDNF. BDNF is a protein that keeps your brain cells healthy and able to change. Low levels of BDNF have been linked to feelings of worry and sadness.

Check out our Upgraded Zinc!


Dealing with anxiety can be tough, but there's hope! Consider these 3 minerals: We've looked at three key minerals: calcium, magnesium, and zinc, which can help balance your brain and body, potentially easing anxiety symptoms. These minerals play an important role in mood regulation and might help lower stress levels. Along with these, vitamins like vitamin D, B vitamins, and vitamin C could also support your mental health. Some people find magnesium supplements or zinc supplementation helpful, while others might benefit from iron supplements if they have an iron deficiency. It's worth noting that fatty acids and amino acids can also impact brain function and energy levels. However, everyone's different, so what works for one person might not work for another. Remember, there are various ways to manage anxiety, from natural remedies and finding the right mix might take some time. Don't give up – with the right support and tools, you can consider how to improve your mental health and reduce anxiety!

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