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The Zinc and PMS Connection: Explained

Can Zinc Help With PMS?

The Zinc and PMS Connection: 

Hey, girls! We all know that the time before our periods can be pretty tough. This is especially true if you start feeling all sorts of uncomfortable things like mood swings, cramps, or headaches. This happens during what's called premenstrual syndrome, or PMS for short.

Understanding Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS)

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, is when you feel a mix of different things, both in your body and emotions, happening a little bit before your period starts each month. This usually occurs in a part of your monthly cycle called the luteal phase.

Think of it like the time after your body gets ready for a possible baby and before your period begins. During this time, you might notice changes in how you feel physically, like getting cramps or headaches, and maybe even in how you feel inside, like feeling moody or upset more quickly due to symptoms of premenstrual syndrome.

Understanding Premenstrual Syndrome (PMS) is essential for managing these symptoms and maintaining overall health.

The Science Behind PMS

So, why do people get PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome? Well, scientists are still trying to figure out all the reasons, but they have some good guesses. A mix of body chemistry, what you eat, how much you move, and even your feelings can all play a part in the menstrual cycle. Let's break it down a bit:

Hormone Changes: Imagine your body's hormones like messengers carrying news. Right before your period, the levels of two important ones, estrogen and progesterone, keep going up and down. This can make you tired and moody or even give you headaches.

Brain Chemicals: Tiny chemicals in your brain also help control your feelings. One, called serotonin, helps keep your mood steady. If your serotonin levels drop, you might feel sad or get irritated more easily.

Another one is GABA, which enables you to feel calm. Changes in GABA might make you feel more anxious. Treatment with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) has been successful in reducing mood symptoms associated with PMS. SSRIs are also the first-line treatment for severe PMS or premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD), and hormonal birth control may also help with physical symptoms.

Lifestyle changes such as getting plenty of sleep and incorporating dietary supplements can also play a role in managing PMS symptoms. Getting at least eight hours of sleep can reduce feelings of irritability, and syncing your internal clock by waking up and going to bed at the same time each day can also help with mood stability throughout the day.

Endorphins: These are your body's "feel-good" chemicals. They can act like natural painkillers and make you happy. But sometimes, right before your period, you might not have as many endorphins floating around, which can make you feel blah or achy.

Being Sensitive: Some people may feel the changes in their bodies more than others. This can be because of genetics (what you inherit from your family), how stressed you are, or how you live your life (like what foods you eat, exercise, and more).

Special Brain Sensitivity: Everyone's brain is different. How sensitive you are to changes in brain chemicals can affect whether you get PMS symptoms.

Not Enough Nutrients: If you're not getting enough of certain vitamins and minerals, like magnesium, vitamin B6, or zinc, your PMS symptoms might feel worse.

Other Stuff: Stress, not exercising enough, or just how your body naturally reacts to hormone changes can make PMS symptoms more noticeable.

So, it's like a big puzzle with lots of pieces that can affect why some get PMS symptoms and others don't. Everyone's body is a little different, which is normal.

Symptoms of PM

When we talk about PMS or Premenstrual Syndrome, we're talking about all the things that can feel off or uncomfortable in the days before a person's period starts.

Different people might have other symptoms, and they can be just a little annoying or adamant to deal with in daily life. Here are some of the ways PMS might show up, including physical symptoms such as breast pain and food cravings:

Mood Swings: Have you ever felt super happy one minute and then grumpy or sad the next? That can happen with PMS, too. Some might feel anxious or not like themselves, making it hard to get through the day or hang out with friends.

Body Changes: PMS can cause all kinds of body changes. You might notice your belly feels puffy or tight, or maybe your chest feels tender. Headaches, sore muscles, feeling really tired, or wanting to eat different foods than usual are all common.

Tummy Troubles: Just like how some people's bellies ache when their period starts, PMS can cause stomach cramps and discomfort, too.

Sleepy or Sleepless: Ever have trouble falling asleep or waking up feeling like you need more rest? That's another thing PMS might do.

Feeling Extra Romantic or Not: Sometimes, people think they are more or less interested in crushes or cuddling because of PMS.

Concentration: Staying focused on homework or remembering things during PMS might be more challenging.

Acne Alert: Breakouts or zits – yep, PMS can be when your skin acts up!

Not everyone gets all these symptoms; for some, they change every month. There are even folks who get heavy-duty PMS that can make it super hard to do the usual stuff. This more challenging kind of PMS is called premenstrual dysphoric disorder, or PMDD for short.

Suppose a small number of women experience more severe symptoms of PMS, known as PMDD. In that case, it can have a much more significant negative impact on their daily activities and quality of life, including physical, behavioral, and emotional symptoms.

If you or someone you know is having a rough time with PMS, including difficulty with daily activities and experiencing symptoms of PMDD, talking to a grown-up or a doctor can help!

Highlighting the Role of Zinc in PMS Relief

Let's discuss how zinc might help with PMS, those tricky feelings, and body changes that can happen before your period. Some smart scientists conducted a couple of studies on this.

In one study, they asked a group of college ladies, all between the ages of 18 and 35, to try something out. They split them into two groups. One group took a zinc supplement, which is like a little extra boost of zinc you can eat, and the other group took a placebo, a pill that doesn't do anything.

They needed to find out which one they were taking. They did this for 24 weeks, which is about six months. By the end, the ladies who took the zinc felt way better than those who didn't. They weren't as angry or anxious, didn't feel as blue, didn't overeat or feel as much pain, and didn't gain unwanted weight.

This study highlights the importance of getting enough zinc in your diet, as low zinc levels have been linked to PMS symptoms. If you suspect that you may have a zinc deficiency, a doctor can test your blood levels to determine if a supplement with the recommended daily amount of zinc could be beneficial.

Then, there was another study with 142 women who often felt rough before their period. They were also split into two groups. One group got zinc sulfate, and the other got the placebo again. This time, the women took their supplements from the middle of their period cycle until the beginning of the next one.

What they found was pretty cool. Over three months, the women taking the zinc sulfate felt a lot better, with a significant decrease in symptoms such as bloating, mood swings, and fatigue. About 9 out of 100 felt bad in the beginning, but by the end, only about 3 out of 100 felt that way. The women who were not taking zinc sulfate didn't see much change. This literature review highlights the potential role of zinc sulfate in relieving premenstrual syndrome, a common condition experienced by many women.

Additionally, zinc sulfate, a form of zinc used topically, is also known to prevent and treat conditions such as diaper rash and sunburn, making it a versatile and beneficial element for overall health and wellness.

So, these studies suggest that getting a miniature extra zinc makes those tough pre-period times easier to handle. It's like Zinc is a superhero for battling PMS!

Along with zinc, other vitamin supplements such as calcium, magnesium, and E have also been reported to soothe symptoms, along with herbal remedies like black cohosh, chasteberry, and evening primrose oil.

Additionally, incorporating dairy products and whole grains into your diet can provide essential vitamins and minerals to help alleviate PMS symptoms. But like with any superhero move, it's always best to talk to a doctor or a trusted adult before you start taking something new to ensure it's the right fit for you.


In conclusion, navigating the uncomfortable and often unpredictable waters of premenstrual syndrome (PMS) can be challenging. Still, emerging research on the role of zinc offers a glimmer of hope for those seeking relief.

Zinc, a mineral already known for its impressive health benefits, now shines as a potential superhero in the battle against the vast array of PMS symptoms. Studies highlighted in this blog indicate that zinc supplements may significantly ease the emotional and physical discomforts associated with PMS, from mood swings and anxiety to pain and appetite changes.

While the promise of zinc in alleviating PMS is compelling, it's crucial to approach this option with care, seeking advice from healthcare professionals to tailor a safe and effective strategy.

As we continue to uncover and understand the intricate ties between nutrition and menstrual health, zinc is a valuable ally, offering a holistic approach to managing premenstrual syndrome and enhancing overall well-being.

Zinc does a great job of making PMS symptoms less annoying. Cool, right? We have a special zinc supplement called Upgraded Zinc that you can try. If you're wondering if you even need more zinc, remember our motto: #testdontguess.

You can try an excellent hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) test with us to learn more! Schedule one today!

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