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Can Low Calcium Cause Anxiety

Can Low Calcium Cause Anxiety?

Can Low Calcium Cause Anxiety?

In today's world, millions of people suffer from anxiety and mood disorders like panic attacks. But many don't realize that their diet could be a significant factor. While magnesium deficiency is commonly linked to anxiety, other mineral imbalances and nutrient deficiencies can also play a role.You can read more here. It's crucial to review all the possible options to find the root cause of your anxiety. The good news is that by addressing these mineral and nutrient deficiencies, you may be able to experience significant relief from anxiety and other mood disorders. 


Modern day agriculture has brought about numerous benefits that have led to an abundance of food. However, as we delve deeper into the intricacies of producing food, it is evident that some of these benefits come at a cost. Nutrient depleted soil from overuse, animals being fed a diet lacking in essential nutrients and federal food guidelines poorly promoting animal products such as dairy, organ meats and red meat are some issues that plague our food industry today. With so much information at our fingertips, it is essential to educate ourselves on these issues and make informed decisions about our food choices.


Understanding Anxiety

Anxiety is a feeling that's often hard to describe but even harder to ignore. It's not uncommon to feel nervous or worried about a situation, but when it becomes an overwhelming and persistent feeling that's hard to shake, it can feel defeating. Anxiety can come in many different forms, and it affects everyone differently. Some people might experience physical symptoms, like a racing heart or sweating, while others might feel irritable or on edge. Regardless of how it presents, it's important to remember that anxiety is a very real experience that affects millions of people every day.


Symptoms of anxiety can manifest in a multitude of ways, and it's important to recognize them to support yourself or someone else. These symptoms can range from trouble breathing, increased heart rate, chest pain, and sweating to frequent urination, mind racing, tight muscles, insomnia, stomach pain, loose stool, or constipation, and more. The presentation of anxiety symptoms might differ from person to person, but it's crucial to learn about them. Knowing how anxiety affects you or a loved one can make a significant difference in managing the condition. Understanding and acknowledging these signs can be the first step in finding ways to cope with anxiety and take back control of your life.


Role of Calcium in Anxiety

While many nutrients are praised for their ability to boost physical health, the importance of calcium in supporting the functioning of the nervous system is often overlooked. Research has shown that calcium plays a crucial role in the communication between nerve cells, helping to regulate neurotransmitter release and facilitating the transmission of signals across synapses. Adequate levels of calcium have been linked with reduced anxiety and improved mood, making it a vital mineral in promoting overall mental well-being. Incorporating calcium-rich foods such as dairy products, leafy greens, and fortified tofu into one's diet can contribute to a healthier nervous system and potentially alleviate symptoms of anxiety.


Calcium plays a crucial role in maintaining the overall health of our body. As an essential electrolyte and mineral, it helps regulate the nervous system, ensuring that it stays in a parasympathetic state. However, it's important to maintain the right balance of calcium in our body. Excessive calcium levels can suppress our nervous system and lead to various symptoms like fatigue, depression, and constipation. On the flip side, low levels of calcium can result in anxiety, which can significantly impact our mental wellbeing. It's essential to consume the required amount of calcium regularly to avoid any complications in our body and to maintain a healthy balance.


Understanding the Nervous System

The nervous system can often seem complex and overwhelming, but breaking it down into its two subdivisions can make it easier to understand. The CNS, or central nervous system, is responsible for communication between the brain and spinal cord. On the other hand, the PNS, or peripheral nervous system, includes everything else from nerve endings and receptors to cranial nerves all the way down to our feet. This system plays a crucial role in receiving messages through our five senses – sight, smell, taste, touch and hearing. Once these messages are received, they are sent to the CNS to process the sensations and thoughts, allowing us to respond accordingly. As intricate as it may seem, understanding the nervous system is essential for comprehending how our bodies work.


The Sympathetic and Parasympathetic Nervous Systems

In the human body, there are several systems working together to maintain homeostasis. One of these systems is the peripheral nervous system (PNS), which is further divided into two important subsystems: the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and the parasympathetic nervous system (PNS2). These subsystems play a crucial role in our response to stressors and relaxation, respectively. Maintaining a balance between these two subsystems is key for overall health. Calcium and phosphorus are two essential minerals that help regulate this balance. Calcium increases PNS2 activity, while phosphorus increases SNS activity. By understanding the role of these minerals in regulating our PNS, we can take steps to maintain a healthy and balanced nervous system.

Chronic Stress and Mineral Status

Our body's response to stress is a natural process that helps us cope with difficult situations. However, when stress becomes chronic, it can have negative effects on our health. This is because the stress response is dependent on our mineral status. A healthy nervous system will typically fire out stress hormones that increase energy as a protective mechanism. But if this reaction occurs too frequently, even with minor stresses, it can be a sign of an imbalance in our mineral ratio of calcium to phosphorus. Deficiencies in certain minerals can also affect our ability to cope with stress, making it important to maintain a healthy mineral intake to support our nervous system and overall wellbeing.


Calcium, Phosphorus, and Anxiety

Phosphorus is a mineral that is often overlooked, yet it plays a crucial role in the body. Unlike calcium, which is known for its calming properties, phosphorus is actually a stimulatory and excitatory mineral. Having too much of it or an imbalanced ratio of calcium to phosphorus can result in anxious-like symptoms. This happens because when the body is low on calcium or has an imbalanced calcium: phosphorus ratio, it goes into a state of fight or flight. This signals to the body that it must be in an "emergency" mode, making it hypersensitive. It's important to recognize the crucial role that phosphorus plays in our bodies and ensure that we maintain a healthy balance of minerals.


Symptoms of Calcium Deficiency

Calcium is a vital mineral that plays a crucial role in keeping our body functioning optimally. One of the lesser-known benefits of calcium is its calming effect on the body. It has a natural sedative-like quality that helps reduce anxiety and promote relaxation. Getting enough calcium in your diet can be an effective way to manage anxious tendencies and maintain a sense of calmness. 


A calcium deficiency can be a silent condition, but the symptoms can be significant. One of the most commonly known symptoms is anxiety, but there are a variety of other indicators that may be less well-known. Low levels of calcium in relation to phosphorus can lead to serious issues such as osteoporosis and tooth decay, and can even cause insomnia and muscle cramps. Additionally, irritability and easy bruising can be signs of calcium deficiency, along with high blood pressure, loose stool, poor protein digestion, and rapid weight loss. While calcium may not be the first mineral you think of in relation to overall health, its importance should not be underestimated.

Calcium Antagonists

As we focus on our calcium intake, it's important to also be mindful of calcium antagonists that could potentially interfere with our body's absorption of this nutrient. Among these are diets high in sugar, metals like lead, cadmium, and aluminum, and halogens such as fluoride. Additionally, an excess amount of phosphorus, anti-nutrients like phytates (found in grains and legumes if not properly prepared), coffee, and excess amounts of magnesium and potassium can also pose a threat. By being aware of these antagonists and taking steps to avoid or manage them, we can ensure that our bodies are better equipped to absorb the crucial calcium we need.

If you have concerns about low levels of calcium, the best way to check is by ordering a hair tissue mineral analysis with us here! Once you receive your results, simply book a consultation with one of our trusted nutritionists. We're here to help you get the assistance you need!

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