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Symptoms of copper detox

Symptoms of copper detox

Symptoms of copper detox

In this age of modern living, taking care of our bodies is more important than ever. With the prevalence of copper dysregulation and toxicity, it's crucial to understand the root causes and appropriate steps to take for optimal health. This is where Hair Tissue Testing (HTMA) and mineral balancing come in. Investing in these diagnostic and treatment measures can provide valuable insights towards creating a health regimen that works for you. By identifying any copper toxicity or imbalances, you can take action towards copper detox and enhancing your overall quality of life. So don't wait, invest in your wellbeing today.


Understanding Slow Oxidizers

A majority of the population, around 80-90%, falls into the category of being a slow oxidizer. What this means is that the rate at which their body utilizes and stores energy is defined as a metabolic type. Unfortunately, those who fall into this category often encounter struggles with liver and adrenal issues, which can lead to a buildup of copper in the tissues. Copper accumulation can disrupt the body's ability to regulate its usage of the mineral leading to a host of other issues. Luckily, we have additional resources available that go into detail on copper toxicity and the implications for slow metabolizers. If you're curious about this topic, be sure to check out our blogs here and here which will give you more insight!


In our modern world, it's not uncommon for people to accumulate copper in their bodies, especially when they are slow oxidizers. But what happens when you start to detox that copper? It's not a comfortable process, and unfortunately, some people give up on the detoxing protocol because they believe they are getting worse. However, in reality, what's happening is that the body is working hard to move the copper through the tissues and into the bloodstream, which can create some discomfort. So, if you feel a little worse before you start to feel better, remember that it's a sign that the process is working and keep going. In this informative guide, we'll explain more about what to expect when detoxing copper and how you can support your body through the process.


Detoxing Process of Copper

The process of eliminating copper is a crucial function of the body, involving several prime emunctory organs. The liver, kidneys, and gut are primarily responsible for breaking down and filtering out this essential mineral that can be toxic in excess. Once copper has been processed through these organs, it eventually makes its way to the bowels to be eliminated from the body completely. It's important to note that this process requires careful regulation, as any imbalances can result in potential health issues. 

Symptoms of Copper Detox

Understanding how our bodies detox copper can help us identify potential symptoms of liver congestion. As copper enters the bloodstream and exits the tissues, it can cause a variety of issues such as headaches, skin problems, fatigue, and even anxiety. Interestingly, copper can feed fungus which can lead to candida flares. For those experiencing digestive issues, malabsorption of protein or fat can result in bloating, constipation, or even changes in stool consistency. Women may also experience menstrual irregularities, but this should only be a temporary side effect as excess estrogen is also being detoxed from the tissues. Although copper detoxing can present with a host of symptoms, it's important to remember that these are all signs of the body's natural healing process at work.


Copper may not be the first mineral that comes to mind when thinking about emotional wellbeing, but it plays a crucial role in our brain's chemistry. As the "emotional mineral," copper is responsible for stimulating important neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Therefore, when copper levels fluctuate or are detoxed, it can lead to a range of emotional symptoms such as fatigue, mood swings, and depression. Interestingly, these symptoms resemble those often associated with excess estrogen or PMS. It's no wonder that there's a clear connection between copper and estrogen. By acknowledging this link, we can better understand the ways in which our emotions and bodily functions are interconnected and work towards a holistic approach to health and healing.


Causes of Uncomfortable Detox Reactions

Detoxing your body can be an incredibly beneficial practice; however, it is not without its risks. Detox reactions are one of the biggest concerns when it comes to cleansing the body. Uncomfortable symptoms like nausea, headaches, and dizziness can interfere with your daily routine and make it difficult to stay healthy.


Your detox pathways aren’t open

Our body has a sophisticated system of organs that work together to filter out toxins from our bodies. The liver, kidneys, and bowels play vital roles in eliminating these toxins naturally. But sometimes our system may not function properly, and copper can build up in our bodies, leading to an uncomfortable and unwanted reaction. This can occur due to constipation, dehydration, or lack of sweating. When we experience such symptoms, it is a sign that our body needs attention and care. 

You might be struggling to make copper binding proteins

Copper binding proteins play a vital role in regulating the levels of copper in our bodies. These specific proteins attach themselves to unbound copper and help transport it to the liver, kidneys and gut to excrete it out of our body. Without these proteins, copper toxicity can occur leading to a variety of adverse symptoms and even tissue damage. Ceruloplasmin, metallothionein and other sulfur-based proteins are examples of the proteins involved. One must be cautious during a detox process as insufficient copper binding proteins could cause harm. By keeping a close eye on their copper levels, an individual can ensure that these binding proteins are functioning correctly.


Die off or herxheimer reactions

When it comes to candida, mold, or vital die off symptoms, many people may not realize that copper can play a significant role in the problem. Evidently, these conditions thrive in an environment that has an excess of copper. Therefore, when copper exits the body, it can sometimes be a sign that the symptoms are improving. However, it's important to note that this can also mean that a recurring infection has come back. With copper exiting the tissues and entering the bloodstream,it can “reawaken” these symptoms. 


Ways to Avoid Uncomfortable Detox Reactions

Now how about avoiding these reactions? It is not always easy to avoid them but we have thought out of some pointers which can help in the process of easing any detox reactions in general and supporting the journey.


  1. Keeping the body's detox pathways open is an essential aspect of maintaining good health. By ensuring that the body eliminates waste every day, one can avoid problems such as constipation, incontinence, and excessive sweating. To aid this process, several techniques can be used, including coffee enemas and castor oil packs to keep the bowels moving smoothly. Additionally, staying hydrated by drinking filtered and mineralized water, as well as engaging in exercise or light walking to keep the lymph moving, is crucial. To maintain optimal health, it's essential to prioritize the proper functioning of the body's detox pathways through regular exercise, hydration, and proper elimination techniques.
  2. Rest is an important aspect of detoxing that's often overlooked. Without adequate rest, your body's energy levels can become depleted, making it difficult for your system to properly remove toxins. When we talk about energy, it's not just calorie count that we're concerned with; mental energy is crucial as well. If you're feeling tired or burnt out, taking a break to rest can be essential to your detoxing process. So next time you're feeling run down, remember that taking a rest is an investment in your body's ability to effectively detoxify.
  3. Sauna therapy has been used for centuries, and for good reason! Not only does it provide relaxation and stress relief, but it has also been found to aid in the detoxification of harmful toxins from the body. Metals, in particular, are easily expelled from the body through the lymphatic system with the help of regular sauna sessions. To reap the full benefits, it is recommended to aim for 15 to 20 minutes per session. Incorporating sauna therapy into your routine can lead to increased wellness and elevate your overall quality of life.
  4. Supplements are a popular way to add extra nutrients and support to your body, but not everyone can handle them at the same pace. For those who are sensitive or have delicate systems, taking things slow with supplements might be necessary. This means starting with a lower dose and gradually working your way up to a higher amount, also known as titrating. It's important to pay attention to how your body responds and adjust accordingly, as taking too much too soon can lead to negative side effects. So if you're considering adding supplements to your routine, it's worth considering how much your body can handle and taking things slow to ensure you get the most out of them.


In conclusion, understanding copper detox is essential to maintaining and enhancing our overall health. It's crucial to recognize that while the detoxification process can induce discomfort, it is a sign of the body's natural healing mechanism at work. The symptoms, though varied, are all indicative of our body's effort to eliminate excess copper and restore balance.

The role of copper in our emotional wellbeing is also noteworthy, as it influences important neurotransmitters like dopamine and serotonin. Detox reactions, while uncomfortable, are a sign that we need to pay attention to our bodies and take necessary steps to ensure optimal functioning of our detox pathways.

I hope these tips have been helpful. If you're interested in running an HTMA on yourself to determine copper toxicity, you can order your HTMA kit today by clicking the link here!

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