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5 BIG Reasons To Take Magnesium

Magnesium: 5 BIG Reasons to Take

5 BIG Reasons To Take Magnesium

How Can I Tell If I'm Absorbing My Vitamins and Minerals?

When it comes to maintaining a healthy body, several questions are essential to consider.

One of the most frequent inquiries that health-conscious individuals pose is: "What is the most important mineral in the body?"

Without a doubt, the human body's requirement for vital nutrients and minerals is manifold; every element ensures our body functions optimally. Still, some demand a special mention due to their significance and vast involvement in various physiological processes.

But the trouble with this question is that the human body is a complex system. Declaring one mineral as the most important may oversimplify the complexity of human health.

Our nutritional needs are multifaceted and interconnected. The scarcity of one mineral may affect the performance of others and vice versa.

Therefore, adopting a holistic perspective regarding our health is beneficial rather than reducing the focus to a single mineral or nutrient. This is not to say the importance of individual minerals should be ignored.

Instead, we must strive for a balanced intake of all the essential elements to ensure our physiological processes run smoothly. While some minerals may seem more critical than others based on specific functions they perform, it is necessary to remember that optimal health revolves around balance.

While all minerals play significant roles in our bodily functions, today, we will take some time to delve into the importance of Magnesium. This often under-discussed mineral participates in hundreds of biochemical reactions within the body.

Everything from nerve transmission to synthesizing proteins and nucleic acids to glucose and energy metabolism involves Magnesium. Without sufficient amounts of this mineral, our bodies won't function optimally. How crucial is Magnesium?

Well, consider this—your heart wouldn't be able to beat without it! Magnesium is way more critical to our health and well-being than most people realize, and understanding its role can help us make informed choices about our dietary intake and lifestyle habits.

This understanding starts with recognizing that Magnesium is far more than just another mineral—it is a co-factor that propels us toward optimal health.

Why is Magnesium Important

Magnesium is a master mineral that regulates diverse biochemical reactions in our bodies, providing various health benefits.

It involves protein synthesis, muscle and nerve function, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation. Crucially, it's also required for energy production, with every one of our cells depending on it to function effectively.

Moreover, magnesium is imperative for bone health, where approximately 60% of all the magnesium in the body is found. It works synergistically with calcium and vitamin D to promote bone health and maintain bone mineral density.

This essential mineral plays a vital role in regulating neurotransmitters, crucial for sending messages within our neural system. Long-term insufficient intake may increase susceptibility to various health concerns including cardiovascular diseases, stroke, diabetes, or bone density issues.

Low quantities have been linked to elevated inflammation markers, associated with serious medical conditions such as heart ailments and certain cancers. Amping up your intake can provide extensive health benefits: better regulation of blood glucose levels, improved athletic abilities, and enhanced overall physical and mental function.

Oral supplements with high dosage may help lessen the severity of migraine headaches, but should be taken with caution. Exceeding the recommended daily allowance could lead to unpleasant side effects, like muscle weakness or diarrhea, especially in individuals with certain medical conditions.

Therefore, it's advised to discuss the use of high-dose supplements with a healthcare provider.

Heart function is critical in maintaining life, and one of its primary pace-setting minerals is magnesium. This vital mineral helps maintain the health of muscles, including the heart and aids in transmitting electrical signals in the body. Magnesium plays a specific role in maintaining a healthy heartbeat and helps coordinate the heart muscle's activity and the nerves that initiate the heartbeat. The effect of magnesium on heart health is well-documented. Research has shown that magnesium supplements can improve multiple risk factors for heart disease, such as triglyceride and LDL (bad) cholesterol levels, HDL (good) cholesterol levels, and systolic blood pressure levels (18). Magnesium supplements have been found to positively impact heart health, especially in people with a magnesium deficiency (18). However, it is important to note that more research is needed, as other studies have found no significant effect of magnesium on cholesterol or triglyceride levels (19). If you don't get enough magnesium in your diet over a long time, you may be at a higher risk of health problems such as heart attack, stroke, diabetes, or osteoporosis.

Furthermore, research indicates that low levels of this essential mineral could potentially be a risk factor for cardiovascular disease (16). Another study discovered a higher intake of this nutrient is linked with a diminished risk of cardiovascular disease, stroke, hypertension, and cardiac arrest (17). A deficiency in this mineral is prevalent in individuals with congestive heart failure and can result in the worsening of their clinical outcomes. A severe lack of it can lead to symptoms such as numbness and muscle cramps, which further affect cardiac health. This mineral plays a key role in maintaining a stable heart rhythm. Doctors sometimes administer it intravenously (IV) in the hospital to minimize the occurrence of atrial fibrillation and cardiac arrhythmia (irregular heartbeat). In certain instances, low levels of this mineral may even result in personality changes.

When understanding the amounts of magnesium in our bodies, standard blood tests can be deceptive as they only measure the 1% of magnesium stored in the blood, not what is stored in cells and bones. For a more accurate gauge, a hair mineral analysis test is recommended. It's a screening tool that measures the mineral content in your hair. Hair, like all other body tissues, contains minerals that are deposited as the hair grows. These mineral deposits reflect mineral uptake over an extended period, making the analysis an excellent snapshot of your overall nutrient absorption and health. For magnesium, this means a more comprehensive and accurate understanding of your body's magnesium levels, which is critical for maintaining optimal health.

One-sided Information from Healthcare Providers

Based on the information available, there are several reasons why doctors may not provide hair testing analysis. One reason is that hair analysis is not universally recognized as a reliable method for identifying or tracking trace minerals or toxins in the body. While it has some applications, such as determining the use of illicit drugs, its use for determining mineral deficiencies or excesses is not highly esteemed in some medical circles. Another reason is related to training - many doctors need to be educated in interpreting hair analysis data. This is not typically a part of conventional medical training. Thus, not all healthcare providers may be comfortable with or embrace this type of testing.

Despite the reasons above, advocating for comprehensive and accurate testing for magnesium levels is crucial. Current standard methods of testing magnesium levels, such as blood tests, only measure the magnesium in our blood, constituting about 1% of our total body magnesium. This approach needs to provide the complete picture.

On the other hand, hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) can offer a snapshot of our body's nutrient/mineral status over a prolonged period. That includes magnesium. This approach can be further developed and incorporated into routine testing protocols to ensure more accurate assessments of vital nutrients and minerals in our bodies, including magnesium. Advancing this form of testing can lead to improved individual health outcomes and more tailored health optimization strategies. But for this to happen, we need broader acceptance and understanding of such tests within the medical community. Increased physician education and expanded research into the validity and value of such tests will also be beneficial. Our aim should be a healthcare system that provides the best possible basis for health decisions.

The Consequences of Magnesium Deficiency

Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the human body, following calcium, potassium, and sodium. Predominantly found in the skeletal system, it accounts for around 1% of total body weight. Over 60% of dietary magnesium is stored in the bones, and almost 30% is found in muscle tissues. The remaining magnesium is situated within the cells and bodily fluids. Magnesium plays a myriad of crucial roles. It is an essential cog in over 3500 metabolic reactions. As a mineral, it is vital for protein synthesis, muscle and nerve functions, blood glucose control, and blood pressure regulation.

Moreover, about 30% to 40% of the dietary intake of this essential mineral in the United States is typically assimilated by the body, having a direct effect on heart health and the immune system. Natural food sources include spinach, nuts, beans, peas, soybeans, and whole-grain cereals that are rich in whole grains. Green leafy vegetables are ideal, as this mineral can be lost during refinement and processing. Some food processing techniques, like refining grains to remove nutrient-rich germ and bran, considerably reduce the content of this mineral. For general information about it, refer to the Office of Dietary Supplements (ODS) Health Professional Fact Sheet on this topic and MedlinePlus.

Several lifestyle factors can adversely affect magnesium levels in the body. These factors are often within an individual's control and can be modified to maintain magnesium balance.

Coffee and Alcohol

Coffee and alcohol act as diuretics in our body, increasing the amount of water and salt expelled from the body. Excessive consumption of either can lead to increased urinary excretion of magnesium, potentially leading to magnesium deficiency.


Situations of acute and chronic stress can lead to an elevation of adrenaline levels. Adrenaline triggers a series of reactions that cause magnesium to be released from cells and depart from the body via urine.

Magnesium Deficit in the U.S.

The prevalence of magnesium deficiency in the U.S. population is fairly significant. Clinical and dietary intake data reveals alarming statistics. According to studies, nearly half of all Americans consume less than the recommended daily amount of magnesium from food.

The National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES), conducted from 2005 to 2006, reported that a substantial portion of U.S. residents consume less than their estimated average requirements (EAR) for magnesium. Age is also a factor, with older adults being particularly prone to having lower dietary intakes of magnesium.

Without intervention, the prevalence and impact of magnesium deficiency will likely continue to grow. Addressing nutrient deficiencies, including magnesium, through dietary and lifestyle changes is crucial for national health improvement in the U.S.

Magnesium and Sleep

Melatonin is a hormone produced by the pineal gland in the brain. It plays a crucial role in regulating the body's circadian rhythm, essentially our 24-hour internal clock. The circadian rhythm modulates our physiological and behavioral patterns, including the wake-sleep cycle, body temperature, and hormone secretion. Melatonin levels in the body rise in the evening as it becomes dark, peaks at night, and decreases by morning, ultimately facilitating sleep. Magnesium's role in sleep regulation and melatonin production is crucial. It synthesizes and metabolizes several neurotransmitters directly or indirectly affecting melatonin synthesis, release, and signaling. One example of this is the conversion of the neurotransmitter serotonin to melatonin, a process that involves magnesium-dependent enzymes.

Additionally, magnesium is essential for regulating a cell’s internal environment. This facilitates electrical activity across nerve and muscle cells. By promoting neurochemical interactions and hormonal regulation, magnesium aids in achieving a calm state conducive to sleep.

Supplementing melatonin for a short period, such as dealing with jet lag or adjusting to shift work, does not generally lead to dependency. However, chronic melatonin use over a more extended period may cause the body's natural melatonin production to decrease, eventually leading to a dependence on supplementation. When considering melatonin supplementation, the focus should be addressing potential underlying causes of sleep issues, such as nutritional deficiencies or lifestyle factors. Magnesium supplementation could be vital here since it can target root issues connected with sleep disturbances. By maintaining optimal magnesium levels, the body may achieve an ideal balance in neurotransmitter synthesis, hormone production, and overall cellular function. This could eliminate the need for melatonin supplementation, ultimately preventing dependency.

To safeguard against melatonin dependency, it is crucial to consult healthcare practitioners before initiating melatonin supplementation, identifying any underlying causes for sleep disruption, and incorporating lifestyle changes that can address nutritional deficiencies, like magnesium, and improve sleep quality.

Deep Sleep and Dreaming

Dreaming occurs predominantly during the Rapid Eye Movement (REM) sleep phase. From a neurophysiological standpoint, the REM phase is characterized by high brain activity, akin to when we are awake. These distinct characteristics contribute to the vivid narrative quality of dreams.

One sleep-related function associated with magnesium is its influence on REM sleep. Research indicates that magnesium can improve overall sleep quality by increasing the time spent in REM sleep, extending the duration of our dream periods.

Magnesium assists in creating a smoother transition between sleep cycles and can prolong the REM stage. Magnesium facilitates melatonin production, which is crucial for sleep regulation. It calms the nervous system by blocking the excitatory function of NMDA (N-methyl-D-aspartate) receptors, collectively leading to more profound and extended sleep periods with more intense dreaming phases.

Experiences of Increased Dreaming with Magnesium

Anecdotal evidence from individuals starting magnesium supplements or incorporating diets rich in magnesium often illustrates more intense and memorable dreams. For instance, some users have reported lucid dreams or increased dream recall after incorporating magnesium supplements into their sleep routine. It is important to note a crucial factor in these experiences: the enhancement of dream recall. The key is the quality and continuity of sleep, which can be improved by increasing your magnesium intake. By improving the quality and depth of sleep, magnesium enables uninterrupted sleep cycles, which may also contribute to the recall of dreams upon waking.

Nonetheless, it's crucial to note that these experiences can greatly vary between individuals, based on factors such as personal sleep patterns, levels of stress, and overall physical and mental well-being. Furthermore, while these anecdotal narratives might point towards a connection, additional scientific studies are necessary for establishing firm conclusions about the impact of this essential mineral on dreaming. Until that point, the relationship between the levels of this mineral and dreaming continues to be embedded deeply within the intricate mechanics of sleep physiology. It's significant to mention that observational studies have been undertaken to investigate the association between serum levels of this mineral and premenstrual syndrome, highlighting the need for more research to understand the potential effects of this mineral on various health aspects.


Magnesium: The Energy Booster

Magnesium is a central component in energy metabolism at both cellular and whole-organism levels. It's used as a cofactor in a broad range of critical enzymatic reactions that directly and indirectly contribute to cellular energy production. Magnesium acts as a cofactor for several essential enzymes, particularly those requiring ATP (Adenosine Triphosphate) to be fully functional. These enzymes include protein kinases and ATPases involved in nucleic acid metabolism and ion transportation.

The crucial role of this essential mineral in cellular energy production is particularly linked to ATP, the primary energy currency of cells. ATP typically exists within cells in a compound form with this mineral (Mg-ATP), which is the biologically active variant. As a result, processes that utilize ATP for energy, such as muscular contraction, nerve impulse propagation, and protein synthesis, depend on this mineral to some extent. It also significantly influences energy production by participating in multiple biochemical reactions. These include glycolysis, the Krebs cycle (Citric Acid cycle), and oxidative phosphorylation - all foundational in providing energy for cellular functions.

Maintaining adequate magnesium levels is essential for the cells to perform their functions effectively and efficiently, particularly concerning energy production. To help you out, check out our product, Upgraded Magnesium.

Magnesium and Mood

The interconnectedness between stress, sleep quality, mood, and magnesium is multifaceted and is gaining increased attention in scientific research.

Stress and magnesium

Magnesium impacts the body's stress response. In acute or chronic stress, magnesium is drained from its cellular stores and released into the circulation, eventually leaving the body through urine. This process can lead to magnesium deficiency, which may, in turn, enhance the body’s susceptibility to stress, creating a vicious cycle.

Sleep quality and magnesium

As previously discussed, magnesium is integral to the health of our circadian rhythms, which regulate sleep. Studies have shown that magnesium supplementation can improve sleep quality by reducing nighttime awakenings and improving overall sleep efficiency.

Mood and magnesium

Magnesium is critical for mood regulation and maintaining optimal neurotransmitter levels, including serotonin. Magnesium deficiency is associated with depressive disorders, and research has demonstrated the potential antidepressant effects of magnesium supplementation. 

Given the intricately regulated roles of proton pump inhibitors within the body, maintaining optimum magnesium levels and improving insulin sensitivity, including acid reflux, is essential. Testing magnesium levels using advanced diagnostic technologies can help detect deficiency issues early and initiate correct supplementation if necessary. It’s important to note that enhancing magnesium status isn't simply about taking a magnesium supplement; the focus should be on the absorbability and bioavailability of magnesium. Various forms of magnesium (such as magnesium citrate, magnesium glycinate, and magnesium chloride) have differing levels of absorption capacity. Recent advances in absorption methods, such as liposomal magnesium, offer promising breakthroughs. Liposomal delivery systems increase magnesium absorption and cellular uptake, enabling users to benefit from their supplementation and meet their daily recommended levels of magnesium, improving insulin sensitivity and combating insulin resistance. In addition, a systematic review from 2017 suggests that taking magnesium supplements can also improve insulin sensitivity in people with low magnesium levels. If you have any questions about the best form of magnesium for you, ask your healthcare provider.

Ultimately, adequate magnesium intake and optimization are crucial steps toward better stress management, improved sleep quality, and elevated mood. For improved and better mood, try out Upgraded Mood now!


The importance of magnesium cannot be overstated—it aids in numerous body functions, ensures healthy heart rhythms, helps control blood pressure, supports bone health, and is an essential factor in sleep and mood regulation. With almost half of the U.S. population consuming less than the recommended daily amount, understanding its critical role and ensuring adequate intake is vital. However, accurately assessing magnesium levels may require more comprehensive testing methods, such as hair tissue mineral analysis, requiring more recognition and acceptance within the medical community. Ensuring we embrace an optimal level of magnesium intake, consider its adaptability and bioavailability, and understand the factors influencing our magnesium levels can empower us on our journey toward optimal health. Magnesium is not just another mineral; it's a key player in maintaining our overall health and wellness.

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