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Raising Calcium Levels On An HTMA

Raising Calcium Levels On An HTMA

Let's delve into the complex world of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA), which is far more intricate than merely interpreting blood test results. It is essential to comprehend that low values don't always signify a deficiency, just as high values don't automatically indicate an excess.

The complexity increases when we consider that adjusting these values is more complex than consuming more or less of a particular mineral.

The metabolic process of each mineral is unique, and all elements have synergistic and antagonistic components that come into play. Notably, minerals symbolize specific body systems and are connected with certain biological functions.

Taking a mineral supplement to elevate the level of a specific mineral is simply an oversimplification that often yields minimal results. This method, often called "Replacement Theory," is not our approach to Upgraded Formulas.

We prefer to perceive HTMAs as a complex puzzle, appreciating the intricate ways nutrients interact. We understand that addressing a deficiency or low level of a specific mineral often involves more than just increased consumption.

Let's focus on calcium – a multi-functional mineral significant for overall health. We aim to demystify its role in the body and depict how low tissue calcium excretion indicates not only dietary insufficiency but also various other factors.

Focus on Calcium

Calcium, a critical mineral, is eminent in human physiology, underscoring its pivotal role in various bodily functions. This invaluable nutrient is key to several integral biological activities, underlining its essentiality in maintaining optimal health and well-being.

As the most abundant mineral in the body, calcium symbolizes an essential building block of life, proving its profound relevance in sustaining human health and functionality.

Here are some key reasons calcium plays an important role, including its normal range in healthy individuals.

Strengthening Bone Health

Calcium is the bedrock of our skeletal structure, essentially constituting our bones and teeth. Its importance becomes more pronounced during the phases of bone formation and growth, offering vital support to the structure and strength of the skeletal system.

Ensuring the proper intake of calcium, including high calcium intake and physical activity during childhood and adolescence, can form the foundation for robust and healthy bones in healthy individuals and is crucial for maintaining bone health and preventing bone loss throughout the lifespan, according to the National Osteoporosis Foundation in the United States.

Additionally, a systematic review of studies on calcium and vitamin D supplementation has shown a link to improved bone density and a lower risk of hip fractures in postmenopausal women, making it a crucial aspect of strengthening bone health and managing body weight, according to the federal government's 2020-2025 dietary guidelines.

Enhancing Muscle Functionality

One of calcium's most crucial duties involves muscle contraction. Upon nerve stimulation, a surge of calcium flows into the muscle cells, sparking the process of contraction.

Maintaining appropriate calcium levels in the body ensures smooth muscle function, including the essential muscular contraction and relaxation processes.

Facilitating Blood Clotting

Calcium holds a strategic position in the blood clotting process. It aids in triggering several clotting factors, helping to impede excessive bleeding after an injury.

Regulating Nerve Function

Calcium is instrumental in propagating signals across nerve cells and fostering communication. Its role becomes significant in releasing neurotransmitters – the chemical messengers coordinating signals across nerve cells.

Guiding Cell Signaling

Acting as a second messenger in many cellular signaling pathways, calcium has a hand in controlling various cellular mechanisms. These include crucial processes such as cell growth, differentiation, and apoptosis – programmed cell death.

Activating Enzyme Activity

Calcium's role also extends to activating certain enzymes, essential players in numerous biochemical reactions within the body. These enzymes participate in critical processes like digestion, energy production, and hormone regulation, which underline the broad spectrum of calcium's influence.

Maintaining Blood Pressure

Calcium's involvement in blood pressure regulation is noteworthy. By assisting in the contraction and relaxation of blood vessels, calcium, in alliance with other minerals like potassium and magnesium, helps regulate blood pressure levels.

Balancing Blood Sugar

Calcium's role extends to managing blood sugar levels. It facilitates the function of the pancreas in secreting insulin, thereby aiding glucose to find its way into the cell.

Supporting Metabolism

Calcium is an essential cog in the wheel of phosphorus metabolism and in bolstering energy production in the Krebs cycle, the body's metabolic pathway that converts food to energy.


Calcium is an antagonist to several heavy metals like lead, cadmium, and aluminum, playing an integral role in detoxification.

Aiding in Digestion

Calcium facilitates digestion, which increases the lipolysis rate while concurrently restricting fatty acid bio accessibility by forming insoluble calcium soaps with long-chain fatty acids. This dual role further underscores calcium's significant contribution to the digestive process.

Identifying Calcium Deficiency

Recognizing a deficiency in essential minerals like those for bone health and enzymatic activity is critical for your wellbeing. One such mineral, known for its role in multiple bodily functions, can affect your wellness if its levels are inadequate.

Signs of this deficiency might include conditions like hypocalcemia (low levels in the blood), which could be due to conditions such as kidney failure or insufficient intake of the mineral. This deficiency could put you at risk for decreased mineral density in your skeletal structure, leading to potential problems like osteopenia or osteoporosis, along with other issues like hypertension.

In many cases, a vitamin D deficiency, which is necessary for the absorption of this mineral in the system, could be the cause of this condition. It's crucial to be wary of the symptoms, including cognitive confusion, memory lapses, muscle spasms, and tingling sensations in extremities like hands, feet, and face, to notice and address a potential deficiency.

Moreover, it is vital to comprehend and meet the recommended levels for intake based on your age and gender to maintain prime health.


Struggles with Muscle Cramps and Spasms

A red flag signaling the calcium deficiency can be recurring muscle cramps and spasms predominantly localized in the leg muscles. Calcium is of paramount importance for ensuring the smooth contraction and relaxation of muscles, and an absence of it could manifest in such muscular discomfort.

Bone Fragility

One of the foremost roles of calcium in our body is fortifying bone health. A shortfall in calcium levels can compromise bone density, leaving them susceptible to fractures and igniting the risk of osteoporosis.

Experiences of Tingling or Numbness

When calcium levels drop, nerve function can be directly affected—and this imbalance may present itself as a tingling or numb sensation, particularly in the extremities like fingers and toes.

Fatigue and Muscular Weakness

Lack of calcium can also enforce an unwelcome toll on your energy levels and muscle functionality. Consequently, you may grapple with fatigue and a general sense of weakness.

Oral Health Deterioration

A calcium deficiency can adversely impact the health of your teeth and gums. With inadequate calcium, you may encounter dental health challenges such as tooth decay, gum ailments, increased susceptibility to cavities, and even fractures.

Complications in Blood Clotting

The crucial role of calcium in facilitating blood clotting becomes evident when its insufficiency leads to delayed clotting, causing prolonged bleeding after an injury.

Heightened Risk of Osteoporosis

A long-term calcium deficiency can set the stage for osteoporosis – a condition characterized by brittle, porous bones more prone to fractures.

Stunted Growth in Children

Calcium's absence in necessary amounts can stymie proper bone growth and development in children, giving rise to stunted growth patterns and potentially other development-related concerns.

Irregular Heart Rhythms

Calcium level imbalance poses risks to the heart’s rhythm regulation. Insufficient calcium might contribute to irregular heartbeats and other cardiac complications.

Nervous System Repercussions

A calcium deficiency, being a natural sedative, might lead individuals to struggle with regulating their nervous system, potentially causing anxiety, sleeping troubles, or an excessive hyperreactive state. A balanced calcium level is essential for maintaining calm and regulated nervous system response.

Root Causes of Calcium Deficiency

Recognizing and addressing a lack of vital minerals like the one that plays a significant role in overall health becomes crucial.

Deficiency might result from an inadequate intake, although often the causes are more complex.

One major culprit could be the overconsumption of sugars, even those obtained from natural sources. Such indulgence puts appreciable stress on the adrenal glands, impacting metabolism and leading to an imbalanced level of the crucial mineral.

Also, it is important to bear in mind that this mineral's metabolism is closely tied to the metabolism of proteins.

Moreover, poor stomach acidity—a pivotal factor in protein digestion—can negatively affect the absorption of this essential mineral. Thus, it's critical to give precedence to digestive well-being, manage sufficient protein consumption, and guarantee vital components for stomach acid production are present. This concern is essentially in averting conditions like kidney stones.

Further, the presence of heavy metals—particularly cadmium, lead, and aluminum—can detrimentally interfere with the vital mineral, displacing it from bones and other tissues. Correspondingly, halogens, like fluoride, have the potential to replace this mineral and thus need to be taken into consideration.

Another consideration is the intake of phosphorus—it can hinder the mineral's absorption. Ensuring sufficient protein levels is important, but a diet excessively rich in meat could lead to an imbalance. Besides, commonly consumed sources of phosphorus like soft drinks are best avoided.

Lastly, antinutrients found in raw plant-based foods can bond with the mineral in excess, obstructing its absorption. Therefore, proper cooking of plant foods and a balanced input from diverse plant sources can help uphold the appropriate levels in the body.


Solutions to Calcium Deficiency

Understanding how calcium levels can be compromised in the body paves the path for devising effective strategies for restoration.

Here are some solutions to consider:

Firstly, ensure you're receiving enough calcium through your diet or supplementation. Understanding that the required amount can be highly individual, depending on your specific health status and needs is crucial.

But remember, augmenting calcium levels continues beyond adequate intake. One key factor impacting calcium levels, as mentioned earlier, relates to the balance of glucose and protein in our bodies and the effectiveness of protein absorption.

This underscores the importance of prioritizing gut health. Optimal stomach acidity, a critical aspect of protein digestion, can be fostered through natural aids like apple cider vinegar shots, ginger, or over-the-counter hydrochloric acid pills taken before meals, especially for those with low stomach acid levels.

Another way to increase calcium intake is by consuming foods rich in vitamin D, such as fatty fish like salmon, eggs, mushrooms, all dairy foods containing high amounts of calcium. These foods not only provide sources of calcium but also contain vitamin D, which helps increase calcium absorption into the blood.

Additionally, incorporating dairy products into your diet, such as milk, yogurt, and cheese, can also help increase calcium levels.

Secondly, consider the role of synergistic minerals that play well with calcium. Blend them into your dietary regimen or supplement protocol as these elements, including magnesium, potassium, sodium, copper, silica, iodine, boron, and vitamins A and D, could influence the effectiveness of calcium.

Thirdly, the impairment of the nervous system and undue stress levels can precipitate low calcium levels, making adrenal support instrumental in balancing calcium. Adrenal glandular supplements can fortify this endocrine support system, thus offering indirect support to calcium regulation.


In conclusion, understanding calcium's multifaceted role within the body is imperative for maintaining optimal health. A deficiency can manifest in various forms and may result from complex factors beyond just dietary intake.

Recognizing these signs and underlying causes is the first step toward effectively addressing the issue and moving toward a healthier you. Correcting calcium levels requires a nuanced approach, acknowledging its unique metabolism and interaction with other minerals and bodily mechanisms.

Diet, gut health, protein absorption, and stress levels all play pivotal roles in successfully regulating calcium. We can step towards a more harmonious physiological equilibrium by incorporating these comprehensive strategies and nourishing our bodies with empathetic comprehension of these intricate mineral interactions and their influence on our health.

If you're interested in assessing your current calcium levels and understanding the necessary steps if they are found to be low, request an HTMA with us.

Upon receiving your results, we encourage you to schedule a consultation with one of our trusted health professionals, who can provide expert guidance and support tailored to your health status.

Act now for your health and well-being.


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