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How Boron Can Help Raise Estrogen

How Boron Can Help Raise Estrogen


Often, the mention of the word "estrogen" conjures up immediate associations with feminine physiological processes like menstruation and menopause. Many picture a woman instantly upon hearing the term, mainly due to the common perception that estrogen is an exclusively female hormone.

However, the lesser-known fact is that men require estrogen as well, including for regulating symptoms of menopause.

While known primarily for its integral role in the development of female sexual characteristics and regulation of a woman's menstrual cycle and reproductive system, estrogen is far from being a solely feminine hormone. It transcends gender boundaries and plays a surprisingly significant role in men's health as well.

In men, estrogen contributes to a plethora of functions that are critical for their well-being. It is instrumental in bone health, fostering bone growth and influencing bone density. It also plays a pivotal role in balancing libido, maintaining.

Understanding Estrogen

Estrogen refers to a collection of hormones that are fundamentally instrumental in the evolution and preservation of female reproductive tissues and the manifestation of secondary sexual characteristics. This group of hormones encompasses several biological substances, including estradiol, estrone, and estriol, each playing distinct yet interconnected roles.

Traditionally, estrogen has been synonymous with female physiology because of its central position in the female reproductive system. It is predominantly responsible for the development of the uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina during puberty.

Furthermore, estrogen regulates menstrual cycles, prepares the uterine lining for pregnancy, and maintains the healthy functioning of the breasts.

In addition to these roles, estrogen is also vital for non-reproductive functions. It aids in regulating cholesterol levels, protects bone health in women, and even influences mood, skin health, and the functioning of the cardiovascular and nervous systems.

However, contrary to popular perception, the presence of estrogen is not limited to women. Men also produce estrogen, albeit in smaller quantities. The estrogen in males is vital for a range of physiological events.

Beyond contributing to fertility, it is essential in maintaining bone health, limiting excessive muscle mass growth, and modulating libido.

Types of Estrogen

Estrogen, one of the most critical hormones in the human body, comes in three primary types, each with unique roles and contributions.

These types include Estradiol, Estriol, and Estrone, which play a comprehensive part in various phases and aspects of both reproductive and non-reproductive functions.


As the primary and most potent form of estrogen, estradiol reigns supreme during women's reproductive years. Its potency is vital for the development and maintenance of female reproductive tissues, such as the uterus, fallopian tubes, and vagina.

Additionally, estradiol contributes to the emergence and preservation of secondary sexual characteristics, such as the growth of breasts and the distribution of body fat. However, high levels of estradiol can also have negative effects, including acne, loss of sex drive, and an increased risk of uterine and breast cancer.

On the other hand, low levels of estradiol can lead to weight gain and cardiovascular disease.


Produced in abundance during pregnancy, estriol originates primarily from the placenta. This estrogen is critical in preserving a healthy pregnancy, ensuring the well-being of both the mother and the fetus.

While it is a weaker form of estrogen compared to estradiol, its significance during pregnancy cannot be overstated.


The least abundant of the three, estrone, is predominantly produced post-menopause when other forms of estrogen production decline. The body converts estrone from other existing forms of estrogen, adapting to hormonal fluctuations.

Despite being less potent, estrone assists in maintaining the effects of estrogen in the body after menopause.

In females, the ovaries are the principal source of estrogen production, with the adrenal glands and adipose (fat) tissues also contributing by generating minor quantities of this hormone.

Meanwhile, in males, the testes produce lower amounts of estrogen.

Functions of Estrogen

While observed predominantly as a reproductive hormone, estrogen's influence extends far beyond this realm, regulating numerous physiological functions in the body.

Menstrual Cycle Regulation

A key responsibility of estrogen lies in the regulation of the menstrual cycle.

During the initial phase of the cycle, estrogen fosters the growth and thickening of the uterine lining. This coordinated process prepares the uterus for potential pregnancy, illustrating the primary role estrogen plays in reproductive health.

Essence of Reproductive Function

This hormone plays an indispensable role in both female and male reproductive physiology. In females, it aids the maturation and development of eggs, while in men, it contributes to sperm maturation.

Moreover, estrogen is essential in maintaining healthy libido or sexual desire, further underscoring its direct link to reproductive health across genders. The pituitary gland, known as the "master gland," also plays a crucial role in regulating estrogen levels and other reproductive hormones, including those involved in pregnancy, puberty, and menopause.

Development of Secondary Sexual Characteristics

Estrogen is vital in shaping the physical form of females during puberty by driving the development of characteristics such as fuller breasts, widened hips, and the distribution of body fat in a female-specific pattern.

These changes mark an essential transition in a female's life, facilitated predominantly by estrogen.

Cardiovascular Health

Beyond reproductive functions, estrogen plays a crucial role in cardiovascular health. Possessing cardio-protective effects, estrogen aids in the maintenance of healthy blood vessels and cholesterol levels, making it a vital risk factor for maintaining robust cardiovascular health.

Furthermore, ample levels of estrogen may lower the risk of cardiovascular disease, underscoring estrogen's integral role in systemic health.

Brain Function

This hormone plays a fundamental role in cognitive performance and mood management for both genders, evidenced by estrogen receptors in the brain.

Research suggests that estrogen may exert neuroprotective effects, safeguarding the brain against neurological disorders and assisting in maintaining cognitive agility.

Bone Health

Estrogen is instrumental in sustaining robust bone health. It aids in preserving bone density, making its decline during menopause a significant contributor to osteoporosis and other related bone-loss conditions.

This places a spotlight on the long-term structural health roles that estrogen plays.

Mood and Cognitive Function

The impact of estrogen transcends the physical, extending its influence on mental health as well. Fluctuations in estrogen levels have been directly associated with alterations in mood, cognitive ability, and other mental health facets, indicating estrogen’s critical role in psychological well-being.

Metabolism and Insulin Sensitivity

Estrogen also plays a significant role in regulating metabolic processes and insulin sensitivity. Its direct involvement in these areas suggests that it could play a preventive role against insulin resistance and type 2 diabetes. This underlines estrogen's critical intervention in metabolic diseases.

Prostate Health

Estrogen’s influence stretches to male-specific organs as well. It has a complex interplay with the prostate, with high estrogen levels sometimes linked to prostate issues.

However, some unconventional studies imply that optimal levels of estrogen are integral for maintaining prostate health.

Estrogen production within the body naturally varies throughout various stages of life and physiological occurrences such as menstrual cycles, pregnancies, and transitional periods like menopause in women and andropause in men.

The fluctuations in estrogen levels are heavily influenced by a wide range of factors that make each individual's experience with these hormone variations unique, including primary ovarian insufficiency.

Age, for example, is a considerable determinant as the body's estrogen production tends to diminish over time. This can also have an impact on prostate health in men.

However, the overall health status of an individual can significantly impact estrogen levels. Certain health conditions and lifestyles may either accentuate or mitigate estrogen production, including excess belly fat.

Additionally, genetic predisposition also plays a substantial role in determining estrogen levels, with some individuals being naturally prone to higher or lower levels due to their inherited genetics.

This dynamic interplay of elements underscores the role of estrogen as a crucial and multiform hormone in the human body, with potential effects on prostate health.

Detecting Low Estrogen Levels

Indeed, understanding the critical role of estrogen and its natural decline as we age raises an important question: How can we discern if additional support is required due to deficient estrogen levels?

Symptoms of Low Estrogen in Women

Irregular Menstrual Cycles

Insufficient estrogen levels can lead to inconsistent or even wholly absent menstrual periods, disrupting the normal rhythm of a woman's cycle.

Hot Flashes and Night Sweats

These symptoms are frequently linked to menopause, a phase in a woman's life characterized by declining estrogen levels, and can cause significant discomfort.

Vaginal Dryness

With reduced estrogen levels, vaginal lubrication may decrease, resulting in discomfort during sexual activity due to increased friction.

Mood Changes

As estrogen plays a vital role in mood regulation, low levels might lead to heightened irritability, mood swings, and even increased anxiety or depression.

Sleep Disturbances

Fluctuations in estrogen often affect sleep patterns, causing difficulties in falling asleep or staying asleep throughout the night.


Insufficient estrogen levels can cause persistent feelings of fatigue and low energy, impacting daily activities and overall well-being.

Bone Loss

Estrogen is essential for maintaining bone density. Low levels increase the risk of osteoporosis and related fractures due to weakened bone structure.

Weight Gain

Some women may experience weight gain, particularly around the abdominal area, as a result of hormonal imbalances caused by low estrogen levels.

Memory and Concentration Issues

Estrogen is connected to cognitive function. Thus, having low levels could contribute to problems with memory and concentration, impacting daily tasks and overall brain health.

The symptoms of low estrogen in men

Reduced Libido

Estrogen plays a crucial role in maintaining a healthy sex drive for both men and women, with decreased levels potentially leading to diminished sexual interest.

Erectile Dysfunction

Men can experience issues with sexual function, such as difficulty achieving or maintaining an erection, due to low estrogen levels.


Similar to women, men may also experience feelings of fatigue and reduced energy levels when confronted with low estrogen levels, affecting their day-to-day activities.

Mood Changes

Estrogen has a significant impact on mood regulation. As a result, low levels can contribute to irritability, mood swings, or even feelings of depression in men.

Loss of Muscle Mass

Estrogen is instrumental in muscle maintenance; thus, decreased levels may reduce muscle mass, decreasing strength and physical fitness.

Bone Loss

Men, like women, can experience bone loss associated with low estrogen levels. This increases the risk of developing osteoporosis and experiencing fractures due to weakened bones.

Increased Abdominal Fat

Hormonal changes, including alterations in estrogen levels, may contribute to fat accumulation, particularly in the abdominal region, potentially leading to increased health risks.

Sleep Disturbances

Insufficient estrogen levels can also disrupt sleep patterns in men, causing difficulties in falling asleep or maintaining restful sleep throughout the night. This can further impact overall well-being and daily functioning.

It is crucial to remember that these symptoms may arise from various factors such as stress, age, genetics, and, notably, nutrient deficiencies or imbalances in mineral levels. This highlights the importance of considering the interplay of multiple influences when addressing these concerns.

Nutrients and Mineral Imbalances Affecting Estrogen

Hormonal imbalances should not be directly viewed as root causes of issues. Instead, they represent the consequences of deeper underlying problems. When it comes to nutrient deficiencies or mineral imbalances, these may negatively impact our hormonal health.

Concerning this perspective, it's critical to mention some key nutrients and minerals significant for hormone health, including Vitamin D, Magnesium, acetyl L-carnitine, Boron, and Vitamin K, which plays a crucial role in regulating estrogen levels. 

Vitamin D

Vitamin D plays a vital role in hormone development, including estrogen synthesis. The skin is capable of producing Vitamin D when exposed to sunlight. Additionally, dietary intake and supplementation provide ways to acquire Vitamin D. Post synthesis or acquisition, Vitamin D undergoes several transformations in the liver and kidneys to become its active form, known as calcitriol.

Calcitriol, the metabolically active form of Vitamin D, interacts with various tissues and cells in the body, extending to those that regulate hormones. It is observed to be influential in producing certain hormones, including estrogen and stimulating estrogen production within the ovaries.

This is especially important for fat tissue, which is a major source of estrogen in the body.

For women, having adequate Vitamin D levels is crucial for overall health and may support optimal hormonal function.

However, it's fundamental to recognize that the relationship between Vitamin D and estrogen is intricate and multilayered. Comprehensive research is needed to unravel the multifaceted mechanisms involved in this hormonal interplay.

The known knowledge underscores Vitamin D's key role in maintaining health and hormonal balance.


Magnesium plays a significant role in the synthesis and metabolism of estrogen within the body. As an essential mineral, it is involved in various biochemical processes, including those pertinent to hormone regulation.

Notably, magnesium acts as a cofactor for enzymes that are integral to the development and metabolism of estrogen, further emphasizing its importance in maintaining hormonal balance. Here is how magnesium is related to estrogen:

Enzymatic Activity

Magnesium is a vital cofactor for enzymes that actively participate in estrogen synthesis. These enzymes are instrumental in transforming precursor molecules into activated estrogen forms, facilitating hormonal activity.

Ovarian Function

Magnesium is thought to affect enzymatic activity within the ovaries markedly, the primary site for estrogen production. Therefore, maintaining appropriate magnesium levels is essential in fostering optimal ovarian function and hormonal production.

Estrogen Metabolism

Beyond synthesis, magnesium is also intricately involved in the metabolism of estrogen. It aids in the breakdown and elimination of surplus estrogen from the body. This metabolic process is imperative for maintaining a balanced hormonal environment for optimal health.

Importantly, sustaining appropriate magnesium levels remains key for overall health and wellness. Beyond its vital role in hormone regulation, magnesium is intricately linked to many other physiological processes.

Meeting the requisite magnesium intake can be achieved through a well-rounded and diverse diet containing foods rich in magnesium. These include leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, whole grains, and legumes, all of which can support fulfilling dietary magnesium needs.


Acetyl-L-carnitine (ALCAR) is derived from the amino acid L-carnitine and prominently contributes to energy metabolism. It assists in transporting fatty acids into the mitochondria, the powerhouse of cells, where they are broken down to generate energy.

Additionally, the synthesis and regulation of estrogen encompass intricate biochemical pathways significantly influenced by various factors, like enzymes, cofactors, and precursor molecules derived from amino acids.

Interestingly, research has pointed towards the potential benefits of ALCAR, particularly for individuals experiencing conditions like hypothalamic amenorrhea or fertility issues resulting from insufficient GnRH (gonadotropin-releasing hormone) secretion.

In three independent scientific studies involving 71 women, ALCAR was observed to enhance sex hormone levels and improve related symptoms. These findings mark an exciting advancement in the understanding of hormonal health and are chronicled in detail in the referred studies: study 1, study 2, study 3.

However, it's important to approach such findings with a comprehensive perspective. While promising, more extensive research is needed to delineate better the benefits of ALCAR in hormonal regulation and its potential therapeutic implications.

Ultimately, a holistic approach that factors in overall wellness, diet, lifestyle, and proper drug administration is essential when considering hormonal health. This includes consulting with a doctor before taking any supplements or medications, such as acetyl-L-carnitine, which has shown potential in regulating estrogen levels.

By incorporating ALCAR into a well-rounded approach to hormonal health, individuals may see improved results in their overall well-being.


Lastly, turning our attention to boron, this trace element is instrumental in a range of physiological functions, from bone health to hormone regulation. The precise mechanisms through which boron affects these changes are yet to be completely deciphered.

However, existing evidence indicates a potential influence of boron on estrogen levels within the body, highlighting its important role in regulating estrogen. Here are several ways boron may intersect with estrogen function:

Estrogen Metabolism

It is theorized that boron may have a considerable impact on the metabolism of estrogen. It might modulate the activity of enzymes closely associated with estrogen synthesis and metabolism, including the conversion of androgens (male sex hormones) into estrogens.

This process, which is essential for estrogen regulation, is suggested to be influenced by boron, such as in the form of boric acid. This is supported by studies that have shown the potential role of boron in regulating estrogen levels.

Vitamin D Activation

An exciting potential area of action for boron is its proposed ability to accelerate the transformation of vitamin D to its active form, calcitriol. Vitamin D is well known for its critical role in hormone regulation, especially estrogen synthesis.

Therefore, boron's impact on Vitamin D could significantly affect hormone regulation.

Influence on Hormone Receptors

It is speculated that boron may also affect the sensitivity and function of hormone receptors throughout the body. This could positively impact how effectively estrogen interacts with its target tissues, potentially improving the efficacy of the hormone's functions.

Calcium and Magnesium Interaction

Another intriguing aspect of boron's potential effects is its interaction with other key minerals, such as calcium and magnesium. Both of these minerals are vital for overall bone health and the regulation of hormones.

Thus, boron's potential interaction with these minerals might impact these functions.

According to the well-known study titled "Nothing Boring About Boron," a noteworthy finding is boron's specific modulation of estrogen receptors. Importantly, this modulation beneficially suggests boron's positive role in hormone regulation.

 “...papers have begun to appear that suggest estrogen’s role in the prostate is complicated by the differential actions of the estrogen receptors (ERs), ER-α and ER-β. Stimulation of ER-α promotes aberrant proliferation, inflammation, and premalignant pathology, whereas activation of ER-β has beneficial effects regarding cellular proliferation and protects against carcinogenesis. Research in this area is just beginning, but boron-containing compounds may beneficially modulate estrogen receptors, selectively binding to ER-β.”

Boron protects against the potential ill effects of excessive estrogen on the body, all while fostering healthy estrogen levels.

If you're considering incorporating a boron supplement into your wellness journey, we have an excellent recommendation tailored for you.

Try our Upgraded Boron supplement, which is specifically designed to provide you with the benefits of boron in a safe and accessible way.

Don't hesitate to explore how Boron could fit into your health and wellness regimen, including its role in regulating estrogen levels in the body. This is especially important for women in the United States, as they tend to consume large amounts of boron through common foods such as coffee, milk, apples, and beans.

Other Benefits of Boron

Bone Health

Studies suggest that boron supports bone health by affecting calcium and magnesium metabolism. Its potential to help maintain bone density can help prevent conditions like osteoporosis.

Joint Health

Boron supplementation is believed to benefit joint health, especially in cases of osteoarthritis. Its involvement in the metabolism of joint-related biomolecules further emphasizes its importance.

Hormone Regulation

Researchers have explored boron's potential influence on hormone regulation, focusing on sex hormones such as estrogen and testosterone. Its ability to impact the conversion of androgens to estrogens and interact with hormone receptors makes it a compelling factor to consider.

Cognitive Function

Some evidence indicates that boron may positively affect cognitive function and contribute to maintaining brain health, promoting overall mental well-being.

Wound Healing

Boron has been associated with improved wound healing capabilities, potentially affecting the body's inflammatory response and tissue repair mechanisms.

Inflammatory Conditions

Scientists have investigated boron's capacity for anti-inflammatory effects, primarily by modulating various inflammatory pathways within the body.


Researchers believe that boron might possess a role in carbohydrate metabolism and insulin sensitivity, with studies highlighting a possible connection between boron levels and conditions such as insulin resistance.

Antioxidant Properties

Boron's antioxidative properties are yet another promising aspect of this element. It may assist in defending cells from oxidative stress and damage induced by free radicals, contributing to overall cellular health and longevity.

In layman's terms, boron seems to be protective in the negative impact that estrogen can have on the body, but support healthy levels. 

If you’re curious about trying a boron supplement, we actually have one just right for you called Upgraded Boron in our store!


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