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Carbohydrate Trouble? Maybe You Need Chromium!

Carbohydrate Trouble? Maybe You Need Chromium!

In today's supplement space a lot of people acknowledge chromium as an appetite suppressant, when in reality chromium is an important mineral for more than curbing cravings or holding you on past a 3 to 4 hour margin of not having to eat.

Just like with any other mineral, chromium has a series of functions that stem into different mechanisms in the body, and we thought today would be ideal to help you under just what they are, why it's an important nutrient, and questions to ask yourself if you need to supplement.

First and foremost, chromium is important for the metabolism of all 3 macronutrients (fat, carbohydrates and protein). It is notably more popular for the usage of helping one's glucose tolerance by supporting glucose transport into the cell as well as increasing one's insulin sensitivity so as to utilize glucose more readily. With better utilization of glucose (our body's preferred source of energy), we are then more apt to having more seamless energy and support for our nervous system, thyroid as adrenals over all. 

Secondly, chromium is required to activate phosphoglucomutase and other enzymes. Phosphoglucomutase in particular is an enzyme for starch biosynthesis, thus helping with glucose metabolism. But it doesn't stop at just glucose. Some research shows that chromium can help with reducing cholesterol, thus its direct link to fat metabolism. It's been shown that individuals with heart disease have detectably low levels of chromium. 

Third, chromium has been shown to help prevent the loss of calcium within our bones and teeth, thus also being supportive to those who are at risk of osteoporosis or osteopenia. This most likely is due to the fact that our bones are made up of several trace minerals, not just calcium, and chromium is one of them. In addition, stress, like blood sugar waves, can impede on the body's nervous system and affect bone density. 

Fourth, chromium has been shown to be protective against deteriorating eye health like glaucoma. Glaucoma is related to many conditions including diabetes due to fluid buildup in the eyes, adding unnecessary pressure to the eye's optic nerve, retina and lens, which can eventually lead to blindness. 

Lastly, chromium has been shown to have an influence on the expression of genes and DNA synthesis.

All sounds pretty important, right? So how would we even know if we need chromium in the first place? 

Well, if you're struggling with symptoms such as...

  • Blood sugar imbalances
  • Food cravings, particularly carbohydrates like sweets and starches
  • An inability to lose weight
  • High cholesterol
  • Brain fog
  • Fatigue
  • Sudden weight loss or weight gain
If you're interested in purchasing our Upgraded Chromium we have a link here for you. On the flip side though, another option is to test to see if you have a chromium imbalance by checking out our HTMA kits and booking a consult with one of our nutritionists here.
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