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Are you potassium deficient?

Are you potassium deficient?

Do you suspect a potassium deficiency but aren't sure how to check?

This blog post will give you insight on as to what you should look out for regarding symptoms and HTMA patterns so you can empower yourself!

Remember, if you're unsure and want to test, feel free to purchase our Test and Consultation kit!

So what are the signs and symptoms of a potassium deficiency?

  • Constipation
  • Muscle spasms or cramps
  • Thyroid issues
  • Frequent urination
  • Fatigue
  • Heart palpitations
  • Feeling dehydrated

It's pretty broad and can most definitely mesh into other deficiencies, thus testing and not guessing is always the favored approach here. Hair testing is the recommended method for potassium is what we would call an "intracellular mineral", meaning it is within our cells. Our bodies work really hard to maintain a specific serum level within the blood and having it waver is not extremely common unless someone is very ill. That being said there are markers through both HTMA and blood one can consider in assessing potential potassium deficiency.

When looking at an HTMA, the most obvious way to check if one is deficient in potassium is to simply look to the potassium level itself. Low levels of potassium conclude deficiency, however high levels of potassium signal a "loss". A "loss" is described as an inability to retain a mineral within the cell. Think of it as a faucet that has been broken and can't turn off. This is the case of a mineral "loss", you technically have enough of it, but your body isn't capable of using it, so it's coming out in the tissues, such as hair. 

Another marker to look out for on in checking potassium levels is an additional element called rubidium. This is an ultra trace mineral which is important for development but also antagonizes radioactive elements. When high, it's a sign of potassium being lost in the hair. 

In terms of blood work, checking one's thiamine (B1) status can show potential potassium wasting. Studies on animals have shown that chronic thiamine deficiency increases one's sodium levels via tissue and decrease potassium levels which could result in a deficiency.  

Another B vitamin that can contribute to low potassium levels is methylcobalamin (B12). Massive doses like methycobalamin injections have been connected to low potassium levels in the body.

However, one B vitamin that doesn't seem to contribute to a deficiency is pyridoxine (B6). Just like magnesium, pyridoxine helps with the utilization and absorption of potassium and has also been shown to help reduce over calcification, such as kidney stones. 

Lastly, one's vitamin D status can also play a role in reducing potassium levels. Taking vitamin D for too long  can deplete our cells of potassium in our kidneys. When potassium is uncontrolled and leaving our cells, (such as in a "loss pattern") it leaves one more at risk to an increase calcium in tissues and iron in the cells. This is dangerous for this could lead to over calcification and iron overload which can feed infections and inflammation. 

If you've been reading this and thinking "THIS IS ME", then consider our Upgraded Potassium supplement. Hope this was helpful.


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