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The Connection Between Lithium Deficiency And Suicidal Tendencies

The Connection Between Lithium Deficiency And Suicidal Tendencies

This will be a tough one, but we must talk about.

Many people shy away from having the open conversation of self harm and suicidal ideations, but in order for us to help people, we need to be more vocal on the topic so those who are suffering can feel secure enough in opening up.

There are many reasons why one could struggle with depression, low self esteem, or be brought onto the extreme of potentially taking away their own life, but one particular factor that we feel we can speak on with confidence is the mineral dysregulation component.

 If you haven't read some of our previous blogs on mental health, we highly encourage you to check them out here and here. That being said, today we wanted to bring your attention to a particular mineral that not too many people talk about that can be supportive for this discussion, and that's lithium. 

Lithium has been clinically shown to be useful to those who struggle with bi polar, depression and mania. In fact, several ecological studies and recent meta-analysis have suggested an inverse association between lithium in water and suicide in the general population, meaning lithium deficiency could be correlated to suicidal tendencies. See here a study showing this. 

Additionally, lithium would have a neuroprotective effect, and a role as a reducer of aggressiveness and impulsivity. Interestingly enough, lithium has been shown to reduce sodium levels on an HTMA which could have us safely assume that it reduces inflammation and stress in the body. Sodium on an HTMA is representative of inflammation, stress or infection, as well as the stress hormone aldosterone. In understanding this, we can then make the connection that sometimes if the body has some type of bacterial or viral infection, one is going through a stressful time in life, or there is inflammation present in the body, that in order to regulate that stress response, lithium is required to keep the nervous system calm. When deficient, this can lead to mood disorders, mental health crises, etc. 

In addition, lithium has also been shown to be important for detoxification, and as we know, if we are intoxicated, this can also lead to health issues down the line, including mental health disorders.  

It's so funny how our mood is rarely remarked as an attribute to look to as aa marker of good health, when in fact it's controlled by chemicals produced in the brain which are synthesized by specific nutrients, like minerals. 

Unfortunately, our food today is mineral dead due to farming practices, which leaves our brain starving for the mood minerals it needs. Therefore, this is why we created Upgraded Mood which is a blend of four crucial micronutrients and minerals that enhance your mood, increase calm and relaxation while reducing stress.

In times of desperation, especially when dark thoughts like suicide arise, we do always recommend going to a professional and seeking the correct support that you need, but always remember minerals are the foundations to everything in the body. 

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