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Low Blood Pressure and Mineral Patterns

Low Blood Pressure and Mineral Patterns

Low Blood Pressure and Mineral Patterns

Have you been experiencing an array of discomforting sensations recently, such as bouts of dizziness, unshakeable fatigue, an inexplicable sense of brain fog, or debilitating weakness? These may not be random occurrences but rather, indicators of a potentially underlying condition - low blood pressure, which is medically known as hypotension. It could be an aspect of your health that warrants attention and immediate medical consultation.

Although hypotension is not as frequently documented as its counterpart - high blood pressure or hypertension, it is by no means a rarity. It's estimated that about 5% of individuals encounter it by the time they reach the age of 50. Interestingly, this statistic witnesses a sharp rise to nearly 30% in individuals who are aged 70 and beyond. This noticeable increase in prevalence with advancing age can be attributed to the physiological changes the human body undergoes over time. As people age, muscle mass declines and strength diminishes, making it increasingly challenging for their bodies to oxygenate tissues efficiently. The inability to oxygenate tissues efficiently can lead to hypotension and its accompanying symptoms, plunging one's overall health and quality of life.

Hypotension typically falls into one of two primary categories:

  1. Absolute Hypotension: This condition manifests when your blood pressure, while at rest, plunges below 90/60 millimeters of mercury (mm Hg). Usually, standard blood pressure should be within the range of 120/80 mmHg. So, when these numbers drop significantly below normal, it's compounded as a state of absolute hypotension.
  2. Orthostatic Hypotension: Often also referred to as postural hypotension, orthostatic hypotension is a condition whereby your blood pressure remains low for a prolonged period, typically over three minutes, after transitioning from a restful state to a standing position. While a temporary dip in blood pressure when changing positions can be a normal body response, it becomes alarming if the low pressure persists for more than three minutes. The decrease calls for attention when the systolic pressure (the top number) drops by 20 mm Hg or more, and diastolic pressure (the bottom number) falls by at least 10 mm Hg. These changes can indicate orthostatic hypotension, a condition significantly affecting your well-being.

What is Low Blood Pressure?

Blood pressure is computed using two distinct figures, as alluded to previously:

  1. Systolic Pressure (top number): This measure represents the level of pressure exerted on the arterial walls each time the heart contracts to pump blood. It essentially mirrors the force of the heartbeat.
  2. Diastolic Pressure (bottom number): Conversely, this denotes the pressure within the arteries during the resting phase between heartbeats, when the heart is refilling with blood. It indicates the baseline level of pressure within your cardiovascular system.

Contrary to general perception, having low blood pressure is not always a beneficial trait; it can pose just as many risks as high blood pressure. Low blood pressure poses a danger because it can trigger grave complications such as heart issues or strokes. This happens as the heart strains to adapt to the lowered pressure by pumping more vigorously. Over time, this excessive exertion can wear out and damage the heart muscle, increasing the risk of disorders such as deep vein thrombosis or strokes.

Additionally, individuals grappling with low blood pressure expose themselves to the risk of sudden fainting or loss of consciousness, which can result in serious injuries including fractures and concussions. This can occur due to the body's inability to adequately supply the brain with oxygen-rich blood, a common issue in hypotension. Furthermore, a severe or rapid drop in blood pressure can reduce blood supply to vital organs, potentially causing them to enter a state of shock, which can lead to irreversible damage. This implies that having low blood pressure isn't always advantageous, and it underscores the importance of maintaining a stable and healthy blood pressure range.

Symptoms of Low Blood Pressure

It is essential to understand that abnormally low blood pressure can lead to notable health concerns as well. Recognizing the symptoms associated with low blood pressure can be critical in detecting the condition early and taking necessary preventative measures.

Symptoms of Hypotension (Low Blood Pressure) Include:

  • Dizziness
  • Fainting 
  • Nausea 
  • Vomiting.
  • Blurred vision
  • Fast or shallow breathing
  • Fatigue
  • Weakness
  • Confusion or brain fog
  • Agitation
  • Low urine output
  • Heart rate that’s too low or fast

The Causes of Low Blood Pressure

The question remains: what causes low blood pressure in the first place? According to the allopathic model, there are several factors that contribute to low blood pressure. These include:

  • Orthostatic hypotension
  • Central nervous system diseases like Parkinson's
  • Low blood volume
  • Severe health issues such as arrhythmias, pulmonary embolisms, or sepsis
  • Heart conditions
  • Medications, recreational drugs, or alcohol
  • Pregnancy
  • Extreme temperatures

However, these factors do not fully explain why the body reacts in this way.

In reality, low blood pressure often indicates reduced vitality. While it can result from dehydration, insufficient sleep or rest, chronic illness, or as a symptom of an underlying condition, many individuals with low blood pressure struggle with other issues. These challenges may include weak adrenal or thyroid activity, heavy metal toxicity, and nutrient deficiencies.

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA)

Individuals can identify potential health issues before they manifest symptoms by undergoing a HTMA. This non-invasive test examines mineral content in the hair, providing valuable insight into a person's overall health. Minerals serve as essential components, or "spark plugs," to ensure our cells function correctly and communicate with one another, which in turn dictates organ function.

Without a well-balanced mineral composition, cellular function becomes impaired, leading to a breakdown in communication between cells and organs. Minerals supply the energy necessary to catalyze enzyme production and facilitate organ function, which ultimately results in hormone production for efficient cell-to-cell communication.

By performing an HTMA, imbalances or deficiencies in minerals can be detected early, allowing for proactive measures to be taken to prevent the further development of potential health issues. This offers individuals an opportunity to optimize their health and well-being through diet, lifestyle changes, or supplementation to restore mineral balance and maintain proper cellular function.

Understanding HTMA Markers

In cases where an HTMA (Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis) test is conducted, certain markers may emerge for individuals who are struggling with low blood pressure. These markers can include a high Calcium-to-Phosphorus (Ca:P) ratio, a low Sodium-to-Potassium (Na:K) ratio, a high Calcium-to-Potassium (Ca:K) ratio, a low Sodium-to-Magnesium (Na:Mg) ratio, and symptoms of copper dysregulation or cadmium toxicity.

  • A high Ca:P ratio usually occurs in individuals with sluggish metabolism and a suppressed nervous system. Such individuals find it difficult to react to stressors, often experiencing feelings of slowness, tiredness, fatigue, and reservation.
  • A low Na:K ratio is indicative of low vitality, stemming from chronic stress that one's body has reached its limit in handling, and could also signify copper or metal toxicities.
  • A high Ca:K ratio typically signifies low thyroid activity, particularly if calcium levels are individually high, or if potassium levels are individually low. Excess calcium can block thyroid absorption at the cellular level, while potassium is needed to sensitize cells for utilizing thyroid hormones effectively.
  • A low Na:Mg ratio is representative of low adrenal function, also known as severe burnout or adrenal fatigue.

Apart from these ratios, the presence of certain metals, like cadmium and copper, can have a profound impact on an individual's nervous system, energy output, and overall metabolism.

In addition to the above-mentioned imbalances, it's important to keep an eye out for other patterns such as the Four Lows Pattern and the Bowl Pattern. You can learn more about the Four Lows Pattern here, and the Bowl Pattern here. Both patterns, when identified, can provide valuable insights into an individual's overall health and help guide personalized health plans for improving various aspects of well-being.

Temporary Measures Against Hypotension

Before using supplements to tackle hypotension, it is essential to consult with a member of our team and review your HTMA test to devise a personalized strategy tailored to your unique health needs. Meanwhile, there are a few temporary measures you can consider. First, focus on increasing your water intake and enhancing hydration by adding trace minerals to your beverages, such as using our Upgraded Trace Minerals. Second, improve your overall mineral intake by incorporating Celtic sea salt into your meals. Finally, explore the possibility of taking an adrenal glandular supplement to support adrenal function. It is important to remember that these temporary solutions should be used alongside a formal consultation to obtain a comprehensive understanding of your health requirements.

If you're ready to get to the root cause of your hypotension, order your HTMA kit today and book a consultation with one of our nutritionists here! 

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