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hair testing

Breaking the stigma: why mental health hygiene deserves your attention

Mental health hygiene is a crucial aspect of our overall well-being, yet it often gets pushed aside. There is an unfortunate stigma surrounding mental health practices that portrays them as less important than other aspects of our health.

Hair Mineral Analysis Test: Do You Need It?

Hair mineral analysis is a test that measures the amount of essential minerals and toxic metals in your body. It can help identify nutritional deficiencies, heavy metal toxicity, and other health issues. If you’re considering a hair mineral analysis test, here’s what you need to know.

Hair Mineral Testing Analysis for Heavy Metal Toxicity: A Comprehensive Guide

Hair mineral testing analysis for heavy metal toxicity is a valuable tool to help people identify and treat any issues related to heavy metal exposure. This comprehensive guide will provide a detailed overview of hair mineral testing analysis, its benefits, and the steps to take to ensure accurate results.

The Benefits of Hair Mineral Testing Analysis for Athletic Performance

Hair mineral testing analysis is an invaluable tool for athletes and their coaches seeking to optimize athletic performance. By analyzing a sample of hair, we can gain valuable insight into an athlete's mineral balance, metabolic rate, and overall health, enabling them to make the necessary adjustments for peak performance.

History Of Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

Hair tissue mineral analysis (HTMA) is a valuable tool for assessing the mineral content of your body. It is a non-invasive test that involves collecting a sample of hair from the scalp and analyzing it for levels of minerals and toxic metals. It is a relatively new technique, but it has been used for decades to identify deficiencies and imbalances in the body. 

Does Hair Analysis Really Work And How Reliable Are They

Hair analysis offers an accurate, convenient, and cost-effective way to uncover valuable information about health. By providing test results from analytical research labs, a hair test can identify potential issues related to a mineral imbalance that might otherwise go unnoticed under more traditional forms of testing. Detailed insights into both macro and trace elements in the body, it gives us a more comprehensive understanding of how we can best maintain our health. Additionally, detecting toxins and nutritional deficiencies, it provides us with an opportunity to actively work towards improving our state of well-being while also reducing our risk of disease.

Is An HTMA Worth It?

Have you ever thought if a Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis (HTMA) is worth it? There are so many tests practitioners thr...

Can Children Do Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis?

We would like to think our children are immune to getting sick because they're so vibrant, innocent and have built re...

How To Detox Heavy Metals-The Right Way

If you haven't read our two most recent articles all about how metals and minerals have an intimate relationship, as ...

Detecting Trauma Through Hair Testing

Is there a method to detecting trauma within the body by simply looking to a ratio via HTMA? You might be surprised t...

How to know what minerals you’re deficient in?

Hey Barton here, And a common question I get from people is “how do I know what minerals I’m deficient in?” This is a...

Why Am I Tired All The Time? A Story of Chronic Fatigue and What To Do About It.

Stacie came to me a couple years ago. She struggled with chronic fatigue - for years now, the better part of a decade actually. She felt like she was at the end of her rope.  She was also concerned about how she had began to age faster.  I explained something to her that she still quotes back to me now: "Aging and fatigue are related." and "Chronic fatigue prematurely ages you." In fact, it is premature aging. 
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